Research Symposium 2020

Due to COVID-19, we were not able to hold our annual Research Symposium in person. Nevertheless the following honors were awarded:

Undergraduate Outstanding Performance in Introductory Chemistry: Jordyn Zalewski is most deserving of this award showing her excellent level of knowledge in Chemistry 102 and 104, both with Dr. Carlson. Ms. Zalewski is a student in the College of Health Sciences and intends to major in Kinesiology.




UWM Chemistry Award to a Chemistry Major for Outstanding Performance in Analytical Chemistry: Elizabeth Merkel receives the award for outstanding performance in her Analytical coursework and research. A senior chemistry/pre-med major, Beth has consistently been a top performer in our analytical chemistry courses. In addition, as part of Prof. Dietz’s group, she has been working to develop new chromatographic materials for metal ion separations of interest in nuclear medicine. Following graduation later this year, she plans to attend medical school.



UWM Chemistry Award to a Chemistry Major for Outstanding Performance in Biochemistry: Zachary Uttke is the recipient of the this award for outstanding performance in his Biochemistry coursework and his dedication and achievement in research. Zach performed research in both the Silvaggi (Chemistry) and de la Cova (Biological Sciences) laboratories, investigating enzymes of secondary metabolism from Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea and cellular communication in Caenorhabditis elegans, respectively.


Ralf Vanselow Award to a Chemistry Major for Outstanding Performance in Physical Chemistry: Lexie Lanphere performed exceptionally well in both the Physical Chemistry lectures and the laboratory, and was the best student in Chem 562, the second semester Physical Chemistry course. She really excelled in the laboratory where she was invariably very well prepared and was the person that other students would seek out for advice when the TA was not available.

UWM Chemistry Award to a Chemistry Major for Outstanding Performance in Inorganic Chemistry: Alexis Barner stood out as an exceptional student in Professor Wilcoxen’s Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry course. Alexis is a bright student whose insightful questions and hard work in the course earned her the top grade and exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding student with a promising future a head of her.

Peter Kovacic Scholarship in Organic Chemistry: David Deshpande was one of the top ranking students in Professor Chen’s Organic Chemistry II (CHEM 345) class in the Spring 2020 semester. Dr. Chen noted that David often asked insightful questions, and some of them were beyond the typical Organic Chemistry textbook level.

Emeritus Chemistry Faculty Scholarship to the Outstanding Junior Chemistry Major B. Richard Siebring Award: Miranda Senger has accomplished much in her junior year by completing CHEM 501, 560, 602, 603 and 604 this academic year at a high level of achievement. Ms. Senger is a student in the College of Letters and Science, majoring in Biochemistry.

Outstanding Senior Chemistry Award: Matida Bojang is most deserving of this award with her completion of her senior year by completing CHEM 221, 501 and 602 with excellent performance. Ms. Bojang has previously received the Outstanding performance in Organic Chemistry (2019), thus showing the continued high achievement of her trajectory. Ms. Bojang is a Biochemistry major planning to attend medical school following the completion of her degree.



Graduate Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Discussion – Quintus Owen taught the discussion sections of Chem 561 and Chem 562 in AY19-20. He was simply outstanding as a TA, communicated very well with the students taking the class, graded homework assignments promptly, and had even taught a few lectures for Prof. Woehl in his absence. He had shown initiative and put in extra work during the COVID-crisis this semester to make the transition to remote teaching as seamless and painless as possible for the students.

Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Laboratory – Shahnawaz Ali & Yeunus Mian Shahnawaz Ali graded for Chem 345 and taught Chem 344 lab during the AY19-20. He did an outstanding job in both activities. He was liked by his students, and they highly admired his teaching. Additionally, during the TA meeting, he was always very active and made important suggestions to improve the lab teaching. Md Yeunus Mian has been TA for CHEM 344 for several years, including AY19-20. He not only is an excellent TA in CHEM 344 but also an excellent grader for CHEM 343/345. He always did his TA job very professionally and in a timely fashion.

Gloria Moczynski Student Teacher Award in Chemistry– David Koltermann was a CSI instructor for CHEM 104 and 105 for AY19-20. He was always very willing to jump in where needed and really serve the students. In F19, there were fewer attendees at his 105 sessions, so he proposed moving students into 2 sessions instead of 3 and running a “102-refresher” for 104 students. This was really well received and appreciated by students.


Sosnovsky Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research – Tania Mutchie & Nemanja Vuksanovic Tania Mutchie and Nemanja Vuksanovic are exemplary students who have been highly productive in research — with 10 peer-reviewed articles and 8 presentations at regional and national conferences between them. In addition to their excellent work at the bench, Neno and Tania have also excelled in teaching, mentoring, and service to the Department.