All in-person classes, events and activities are canceled Wednesday, Feb. 12, due to the weather forecast. Read the weather notice.

German Language Certificate

Whether you want to get ahead at work, start a new career or travel with confidence, learning German will benefit you. No matter where life takes you, a foundation in German helps grow your mind and opportunities. The German Language Certificate provides the tools and develops the skills you need to read, write and speak German. Through nine core courses and an oral proficiency interview by computer (OPIc), you work with our experienced instructors to strengthen your German language skills. It’s offered as an in-person or online certificate and uses the standards from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze the basic grammar of German verbs and pronouns
  • Outline the spectrum of German verb tenses
  • Complete exercises intended to test German reading, writing and speaking skills
  • Read and write in German to improve your fundamentals of the language
  • Follow German oral activities to familiarize yourself with native speech patterns
  • Complete an OPIc and receive an oral proficiency rating


To get started, simply enroll in your first course. Earn the certificate by completing a minimum of German III & IV and Intermediate German I-V, plus the OPIc.

For a full list of available German courses at UWM School of Continuing Education visit the Program page.

For information on the course format, view the session information on the selected course page.

German I

9/2-11/18/2025 Live Online

German II

2/18-5/27/2025 Live Online

12/2/2025-3/3/2026 Live Online

German IIIOnline – Register anytime$399
German IVOnline – Register anytime$399
Intermediate German IOnline – Register anytime$399
Intermediate German IIOnline – Register anytime$399
Intermediate German IIIOnline – Register anytime$399
Intermediate German IVOnline – Register anytime$399
Intermediate German VOnline – Register anytime$399

Still Have Questions? Contact Us.

Samantha Meyer, Associate Outreach Specialist

| 414-227-3118

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