Schedule of Classes (SoC) Resources
The Schedule of Classes is the official listing of class sections offered during a given term. The Course Catalog in PAWS outlines how a section of a course may be setup for the term.
The Registrar’s Office oversees the scheduling cycle and administers CLSS the software where the schedule is built and maintained. The schedule of classes production calendar is comprised of the dates and deadlines for each phase, which are updated below for the current academic year. This production calendar is created based on dates pulled from the UWM Academic Calendars, Important Dates by Term, and when tuition is calculated for a term.
The online schedule of classes provides information on offerings, and allows users to use a variety of search functions. It also links to important webpages and information related to the enrollment, such as PAWS, Add/Drop dates, Tuition and Fee information, the Final Exam schedule, the Academic Catalog, and more.
Schedule builders and coordinators build and maintain the Schedule of Classes for their School/College.
Archived terms are housed on the Schedule of Classes Archive webpage.
Dates and Deadlines
Below are important dates and deadlines associated with the schedule and enrollment in a given term.
2024-2025 Academic Year Dates
SOC Phase | Fall 2024 (2249) |
UWinteriM 2025 (2251) |
Spring 2025 (2252) |
Summer 2025 (2256) |
Development Phase Curricular planning and building of the schedule of classes begins. |
11/27/23 | 04/29/24 ** | 06/03/24 | 09/30/24 |
Data Entry Deadline Section data entry and edits must be completed. |
02/09/24 | N/A | 09/13/24 | 11/29/24 |
Validation Deadline* The scheduling units are validated and submitted to workflow. |
02/16/24 | N/A | 09/20/24 | 12/06/24 |
Admin Phase – Bridge Scheduling units are bridged from CLSS to PAWS. Users may not make edits to sections. |
02/19/24 | N/A | 09/23/24 | 12/09/24 |
Admin Phase – Room Assignments Sections are exported from PAWS to ROAR to optimize sections that requested a general assignment classroom. Users may not make edits to sections. |
02/26/24 – 03/15/24 | N/A | 09/30/24 – 10/18/24 | 12/16/24 – 12/20/24 |
Publication and Pre-Enrollment Phase The Schedule of Classes and final exam schedule for the term are published. |
03/18/24 | 10/02/24 | 10/28/24 | 01/13/25 |
Enrollment Phase Shopping carts open and student registration begins. |
04/08/24 | 10/07/24 | 11/11/24 | 03/24/25 |
Fee Phase Tuition is calculated. |
07/26/24 | 11/15/24 | 12/06/24 | 04/18/25 |
30 Days or Less Phase Changes to sections are restricted as the start of the term approaches. |
08/05/24 | 12/03/24 | 12/20/24 | 04/28/25 |
Event Scheduling in ROAR UWM users may request and schedule events via ROAR, which may impact room availability for classes in an upcoming term. |
08/01/24 | 11/01/24 | 01/01/25 | 05/01/25 |
Final Exam Scheduling Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar’s Office in accordance with final exam policy and the set final exam schedule. |
09/16/24 | N/A | 02/03/25 | N/A |
SOC Archive Posted & Study Abroad Phase The term is posted to the schedule of classes archive. Study abroad class sections are entered in CLSS. |
01/06/25 | 01/31/25 | 05/29/25 | 09/08/25 |
Archive Term The term is archived; edits to the schedule may not be made. |
01/2026 | 02/2026 | 05/2026 | 09/2026 |
SoC Calendar for Upcoming Academic Year
Scheduling units must be validated and submitted to workflow by the deadlines stated above
Once CLSS is locked, edits to the schedule are not permitted. Scheduling units with errors can not be bridged to PAWS, and general assignment classrooms will not be assigned. Extensions to resolve errors will not be granted, as room assignments must begin according to the schedule outlined above.
Effective 2024, UWinteriM will open in Refine Mode and the Pre-Enrollment Phase.
The two main roles responsible for the building and maintenance of the Schedule of Classes for their College are:
- Schedule Builders are responsible for the collection, organization, and entry of the section data into CLSS during the Development Phase as well as maintaining this data throughout the SoC cycle. Each academic department or program that has class offerings is required to have a designated schedule builder.
- SoC Coordinators are responsible for oversight of the SoC production process for all the academic departments and programs within a School or College.
SoC Production Resources
The resources below aid in the building and maintenance of the Schedule of Classes
Planning Spreadsheets
- Export Scheduling Data to PDF or Excel
- Course and Distribution Planning
- Paired Class Template (Excel)
Policies and Guidelines
- Academic Scheduling Policy Proposal (Draft v.3)
- Section Numbering Guidelines
- Workload Statements (pdf)
- UWM Credit Hour Policy
- Standard Meeting Patterns and Time Scheduling Guidelines
- UWM Faculty Document No. 2469
Prior and Projected Enrollment Numbers
- Class Tallies
- Historical Comparison of Enrollment Dashboard
- Weekly Comparison of Enrollment Dashboard
- Section Attrition and Grade Reports
- And more reports…
Additional Resources
- CIM Non-Governance Request Form
- New Instructor Request Form
- Important Dates by Term
- Session Code Lookup Tool
- Course Fee Calculator
- Course Book Adoptions
- Cross-Campus Scheduling
Canvas Course Sites
Room Assignments
- Room and scheduling objectives
- Room changes via 25Live Room Seek
- ROAR + Schedule of Classes
- General Assignment Classrooms Webpage
Enrollment and Registration
- Section Specific Prerequisites
- Class Permissions Webpage
- PERC Webpage
- Administrative Drop/Swap Form
- Enrollment Request History Search
- Waitlist Resources for Students
- Student Financial Services – Tuition and Fees
Final Exams
- Final Exam Schedule
- Final Exam and Study Day Policies
- Instructors: PAWS Final Exam Schedule
- Students: View Final Exam Schedule in PAWS