Schedule of Classes (SoC) Resources

The Schedule of Classes (SoC) is the official listing of all the sections offered during a given term. The SoC includes information on the course, section number, class number, credits, enrollment capacity, instructional mode, meeting information (days and time), instructor, campus, room, enrollment requirements, and class notes. The Course Catalog outlines how a section of a course may be setup for the term.

Each term the SoC moves through a cycle of phases from Development to Archive. The Registrar’s Office oversees the cycle and administers the CourseLeaf software, CLSS, where the SoC is built and maintained. The SoC production calendar is comprised of the dates and deadlines for each phase, which are updated below for the current academic year. This production calendar is created based on dates pulled from the UWM Academic Calendars, Important Dates by Term, and when tuition is calculated for a term.

The online SoC provides real-time information on the Schedule of Classes with advanced search functions. The online SoC also links to important webpages and information related to the Schedule of Classes, such as PAWS, Add/Drop dates, Tuition and Fee webpages, Final Exam schedule, Academic Catalog, and more.

Schedule builders and SoC Coordinators build and maintain the Schedule of Classes for their College.

Archived terms are housed on the Schedule of Classes Archive webpage.

Dates and Deadlines

Dates and Deadlines associated with the SoC and enrollment.

23-24 Academic Year Dates

SOC Phase Fall 2023
UWinteriM 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024
Development Phase
Curricular planning and building of the Schedule of Classes begins.
12/21/22 4/17/23** 6/5/23 10/9/23
Data Entry Deadline
Section data entry and edits must be completed.
2/17/23 N/A 9/8/23 12/1/23
Validation Deadline*
Section data is proofed, errors and warnings are rectified. The scheduling unit is validated, and submitted to workflow.
2/24/23 N/A 9/15/23 12/8/23
Admin Phase – Bridge (Locked)
Scheduling units are bridged from CLSS to PAWS, which may take up to one week to complete. Edits to sections are prohibited.
2/27/23 N/A 9/18/23 12/11/23
Admin Phase – Room Assignments (Locked)
Sections are exported from PAWS to ROAR to optimize sections that requested a general assignment classroom. Depending on the term room assignments may take up to three weeks. Edits to sections are prohibited.
3/6/23 –
N/A 9/25/23 –
12/18/23 –
Publication & Pre-Enrollment Phase
The Schedule of Classes is published in PAWS and online. The final exam schedule for the term is published online. Student planning begins.
3/20/23 10/2/23 10/23/23 1/8/24
Enrollment Phase
Shopping carts open and student registration begins.
4/3/23 10/9/23 11/6/23 3/18/24
Fee Phase
Tuition is calculated.
6/23/23 11/10/23 12/1/23 4/19/24
30 Days or Less Phase
Changes to sections are further restricted as the start of the term approaches to minimize impact to tuition and fees as well as student schedules.
8/4/23 12/1/23 12/22/23 4/26/24
Event Scheduling in ROAR
Campus users can request and schedule events via ROAR, impacting room availability for sections.
8/1/23 11/1/23 1/1/24 5/1/24
Final Exam Scheduling
Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar’s Office in accordance with final exam policy and the set final exam schedule.
9/11/23 –
N/A 2/12/24 –
SOC Archive Posted & Study Abroad Phase
The term is posted to the SoC archive webpage and Study Aboard sections continue to be entered into the Schedule of Classes.
1/5/24 2/1/24 5/30/24 9/5/24
Archive Term
The term is archived and no further edits can be made.
1/2025 2/2025 5/2025 9/2025

Upcoming Academic Year SoC Dates

*All Scheduling Units Must be Validated and Submitted to Workflow by the Deadline
Once CLSS is locked, edits to the schedule aren’t permitted and scheduling units with errors can’t be bridged to PAWS. If scheduling units can’t be bridged, any work done during Development Phase also can’t be bridged, thus general assignment classrooms can’t be assigned. Extensions can’t be granted in order for room assignments to begin as soon as all scheduling units are bridged.

**Effective 2024, UWinteriM will open in Refine Mode and the Pre-Enrollment Phase in April, email with questions.

SoC Production Roles

The two main roles responsible for the building and maintenance of the Schedule of Classes for their College are:

  1. Schedule Builders are responsible for the collection, organization, and entry of the section data into CLSS during the Development Phase as well as maintaining this data throughout the SoC cycle. Each academic department or program that has class offerings is required to have a designated schedule builder.
  2. SoC Coordinators are responsible for oversight of the SoC production process for all the academic departments and programs within a School or College.


SoC Production Resources

The resources below aid in the building and maintenance of the Schedule of Classes


Planning Spreadsheets

Policies and Guidelines

Prior and Projected Enrollment Numbers

Webforms and Other Resources

Canvas Course Sites

Room Assignments

Online SoC

Enrollment / Registration

Final Exams
