Student Data: Comparison of enrollment by headcount and FTE. By year in school, current entry status, academic group (primarily school/college), gender, tuition residency, full-time/part-time, targeted status and ethnicity, etc.. Credits, Fund & Section Data: Comparison of enrollment by number of students, credits and units. By fund, academic group (primarily school/college), subject, course, section and section location. Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data and are therefore expected 1) only to access such data if they have a legitimate educational reason for doing so, and 2) to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such data, for example, redacting cell sizes less than or equal to 5 if the data will be shared outside of UWM.
- Academic Career | Academic Group | Class Subject | Country | Course | Course Number | Credits | Current Entry Status | Ethnicity | Field of Study | First Generation Status | Full/Part Time | Gender | Geographical group | High School | Previous college | Primary Academic Program | Residency | Schools & Colleges | Section Location | Section Number | Targeted Group | Tuition Residency | Year / Term | Year in School