Before You Enroll

Before enrollment opens every term, it is important for you to make sure you will be eligible to enroll.  Please log into PAWS, and check the following items:

  • HOLDS – You may have holds on your account that restrict your ability to enroll in courses, or receive a copy of your transcripts or diploma. View this section in the upper right hand corner of your PAWS Student Center. You can click the blue details link to view a full list of your holds. Click on the name of the hold in blue to read the instructions for removal.
    To learn more about the most common types of holds and how to resolve them, please visit the Resolving Enrollment Holds page.
  • ENROLLMENT APPOINTMENT – View this section in the right hand column of your PAWS Student Center.  The day/time that’s listed indicates the point at which you can begin enrolling in classes for the specified term.  To learn more about how and when enrollment appointment are assigned, please visit the enrollment appointments page.  You can only enroll while the term is open, following this general schedule:
    • Fall term opens in April
    • UWinteriM opens in October
    • Spring term opens in November
    • Summer term opens in March/April
  • TO DO LIST – View this section in the right hand column of your PAWS Student Center.  Every fall and spring semester, you will need to complete the Panther Enrollment Checklist, which provides you with critical enrollment-related information along with a way to update and confirm your contact information prior to enrolling for classes.  You will receive an email at your campus ( email address in early November (spring enrollment) and in early April (fall enrollment) that indicates the Panther Enrollment Checklist is available on your PAWS account.
Instructions for Completing the Panther Enrollment Checklist

To complete the checklist, students click on the Panther Enrollment Checklist link in the To Do List section of their PAWS account, and work through the onscreen steps (see detailed screenshots):

Review the information on the Launch page, click Mark As Read, and then click Next.

If updates to Addresses need to be made, enter the changes by clicking Edit or Add A New Address.  Once that is completed, or if no changes are needed, click Mark As Read and then Next.

If updates to Phone Numbers need to be made, enter the changes by clicking Edit or Add A Phone Number.  Once that is completed, or if no changes are needed, click Mark As Read and then Next.

If updates to Emergency Contacts need to be made, enter the changes by clicking Edit or Add An Emergency Contact.  Once that is completed, or if no changes are needed, click Mark As Read and then Next.

Review the information on the Complete page, then click Finish.  This will immediately remove the Panther Enrollment Checklist from your To Do List.

Students will receive a confirmation email at their campus ( email address after the checklist is completed.  This email includes important dates and deadlines for enrolling in the upcoming semester.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Registrar’s Office Contact Form.


  • PREREQUISITES, PLACEMENTS, and POLICIES – It is important that you make sure you have met the requirements to enroll in your individual courses.  Please review the prerequisites for these courses, as well as the course placement and various other policies below that relate to enrollment at UWM.  These include policies on academic load, class standing, and course repeats among other things.

Many courses have prerequisites that you are expected to satisfy prior to enrollment. Typical examples include a certain year in school (“Junior Standing”), other specific courses (“Physics 201”), a particular placement test score, admission to a particular major, or consent of the instructor.Instructors have the right to enforce prerequisite requirements and may deny or permit enrollment accordingly.

Certain courses cannot be taken out of sequence. You can always check the prerequisites of a course ahead of time to find out if you’ll lose credit for taking a course out of sequence.

If you do not meet the prerequisites for a specific course but feel that you are academically prepared to take the course anyway, you can request permission from the course instructor or department. Generally, if you do not meet prerequisites for a class you will not be able to enroll yourself in it using PAWS. In this case, you will receive an error message stating that consent or permission is required.

If you do not meet a course prerequisite but have been able to enroll anyway, you may be administratively dropped from the course or you may be required to drop the course.

  • Drop a course as soon as you know you can’t remain in the class. It is the student’s responsibility to drop any classes for which they do not meet published prerequisites.
  • Do not wait for the department to complete an administrative drop, as fees for dropped classes are based on the date you drop the class in PAWS or the date your drop form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

If a course requires one or more prerequisites, details are listed in the notes section in the Schedule of Classes or under the class description in PAWS.

Prerequisite Abbreviations
(P) Prerequisite A course in which a student is required to earn credit prior to being allowed to enroll in a subsequent higher-level course.
(NP) Non-repeatable Prerequisite A prerequisite course for which the student is not permitted to substitute the grade earned when the course is repeated subsequent to earning credit in the higher-level course.
(C) Co-requisite A course which may be taken as either a prerequisite or as a concurrent registration with the higher-level course.
(NC) Non-repeatable Co-requisite A co-requisite course for which the student is not permitted to substitute the grade earned when the course is repeated subsequent to earning credit in the higher-level course
(R) Recommended Course A course which the instructor strongly recommends be taken prior to enrollment in a subsequent course.
(ER) Enrollment Restriction A course which is not open for enrollment to students that have earned credits in a specified course (or courses) with similar or overlapping content.
Course Placement
Although many courses are open to freshmen and all other students, core courses in the areas of English and Math require a placement that serves as your starting point in the course sequence. Your math and English placements are typically determined by scores on ACT/SAT, placement assessments, or prior college credit that you earned in the subject area at another institution or through advanced standing exams, like AP or IB.

Math and English Placement Options:

  1. Submit your official ACT or SAT scores to UW Milwaukee. For the purposes of course placement, only official ACT/SAT scores sent directly to UWM from ACT/SAT can be utilized.
      • You can request those scores be sent directly to UWM from ACT or SAT.


  2. Use our free online placement tools. You do not need to schedule these online tests in advance. You can take them any time it is convenient for you.
    • Math – Panther Math Prep is a free online placement tool that allows you to assess your current math skill level and receive a course placement via an online proctored math placement test in a platform called ALEKS. You have the opportunity to utilize the free prep, review, and practice tools within ALEKS to build and refresh your math skills and take a placement test up to five times.
      For more information or to complete the online math placement test, visit the Panther Math Prep website.
    • English – UWM offers a free online placement option called Guided English Placement (GEP). The GEP is not a standardized test and there are no right or wrong answers. You will be asked a variety of questions about your educational experiences, writing and reading skills, and academic mindset. You will also be given reading and writing samples to reflect upon; no writing is required from you. The GEP takes about 30-60 minutes to complete.
      For more information or to complete the online English placement, visit the Guided English Placement website.

      • International students can also use their TOEFL or IELTS scores for placement into their English courses. If you submitted TOEFL or IELTS scores to UWM, you do not need to complete the Guided English Placement.

World Language Placement

Foreign language course enrollment recommendations are based on either previous college credit earned or placement from the online options listed below.

Chemistry Placement
Chemistry placement is based on a combination of math placement level and performance in high school chemistry. Academic advisors will assess student records and use course permission to enroll students.
Please note that during the first week of class, students in Chemistry 102 are required to take a chemistry placement test during their chemistry class to determine if their current enrollment is the best fit. Students in Chemistry 102 may need to switch their chemistry course depending on their placement test results.


UW Milwaukee does not accept the results from the UW System placement tests in math or English unless they are from February, 2020 or earlier. We do not accept UW System world language placement tests that were taken from March, 2020-February, 2022.

New incoming freshmen must complete their course placement at least two weeks before their scheduled New Student Orientation session or they will be unable to enroll in classes at orientation. Incoming freshmen should visit our freshman placement website to learn about their options for satisfying the course placement requirement.

Incoming transfer and re-entry students should consult with their academic advisor to determine if they need to complete any course placement steps.

You can view placement records by selecting “Placement Tests” in the drop-down in the Academics section of your PAWS account. Placement levels are determined by the academic department affiliated with the exam and are reviewed annually. If you have multiple sets of test scores that have earned you course placement, you are allowed to use whichever method gives you the higher placement when enrolling in courses.

Contact Information

UW Milwaukee Main Campus

UW-Milwaukee at Washington County

UW-Milwaukee at Waukesha

Math Placement

Regardless of your major, all UWM students need to satisfy a general education requirement in mathematics. The math course(s) required to attain your degree vary by major.

Math placement is determined by the math score on your ACT/SAT, prior college credit earned in math courses, or by completing an ALEKS placement test via the online Panther Math Prep program.

The Math Department maintains information on Math Placement levels and codes including information on math course recommendations by major.

English Placement - Native Speakers

In order to graduate, all UW-Milwaukee students must satisfy the General Education Requirements (GER). English placement is determined by the English or ERWS score on your ACT/SAT, prior college credit earned in English courses, or by completing the online Guided English Placement. The scores on these tests place you into courses that will satisfy your General Education Requirement (GER) known as the Oral and Written Communication (OWC) Competency Part A. To satisfy this requirement; a student must earn credit with a grade of C or higher in English 102 or achieve an appropriate test score to satisfy the requirement. Students placing into English 100 or 101 will need to complete that course with a grade of C or higher (you only need to complete either English 100 or 101, not both courses) then complete English 102. Students testing into English 102 will need to complete that course with a grade of C or higher. Students with a sufficient score will test out of having to complete English 100, 101, or 102.

English Placement Chart – Main Campus

Course Placement Main Campus ACT English Score SAT ERWS
English 100 1-16 200-460
English 101 17-24 461-590
English 102 25-28 591-650
Test Out/GER OWC Part A satisfied 29-36 651-800

English Placement Chart – Branch Campuses

Course Placement Branch Campuses ACT English Score SAT ERWS
CGS ENG 98 1-16 200-460
CGS ENG 101 + CGS ENG 99 17-18 461-500
CGS ENG 101 19-24 501-590
CGS ENG 102 25-28 591-650
CGS can inquire about portfolio to satisfy core requirement or enroll in CGS ENG 102 29-36 651-800
English Placement - Non-Native Speakers

As a non-native speaker and/or writer of English, you can complete your English writing requirement by taking English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing courses instead of the English writing courses designed for native speakers of English. The support provided in the EAP writing courses can also help you do better in all of your university courses. Recommendations for EAP course enrollment can be made based off of scores on the ACT, SAT, IETLS, TOEFL, and/or Guided English Placement (GEP).

For more information on EAP courses, contact Brooke Haley at or visit her office in Curtin Hall 678.

Foreign Language Placement

***Please note that the UW System placement tests in Spanish, French, and German will be unavailable from January 31-March 14 for maintenance.***

UW-Milwaukee has a General Education Requirement for foreign language. If you have met this requirement then completing additional foreign language coursework is optional. Students planning to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree through the College of Letters and Science may be required to complete foreign language coursework beyond the University’s General Education Requirement.  Please check the list of majors that fall under the B.A. requirements to determine the foreign language requirement you will need to meet to graduate. Click here for more information on the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.

  • If you plan to continue your studies in study French, German, or Spanish, you will need to complete the UW System Placement Test in World Languages. Please follow the link to the UW System Placement website to complete your test(s); UW SYSTEM PLACEMENT TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY DUE TO SYSTEM MAINTENANCE. Please note that UW Milwaukee ONLY accepts results from the UW System Placement Tests in French, German, and Spanish. We do NOT accept results from the UW System placement tests for English or math. You do not need to schedule a time to complete the test; you can complete it online whenever it is convenient for you. It takes 1-2 weeks for UW Milwaukee to receive the results of your UW System Placement Test.
    Retest policy for the UW System placement tests in French, German, and Spanish: Students must wait one calendar year in between test attempts. Students who violate this policy will have their placement scores invalidated.
  • If you plan to continue your study of a world language other than French, German, or Spanish, UW Milwaukee offers a free, online UWM World Languages Self-Assessment Tool for you. You and your academic advisor will use a combination of the results from this self-assessment and your previous coursework to determine the appropriate semester of a world language at UWM for you to begin your language studies. In addition to questions about your language abilities, it asks about your language learning experiences, whether in the classroom or beyond. The UWM World Languages Self-Assessment Tool is NOT for those wishing to study French, German, and Spanish. You will be able to complete the UWM World Languages Self-Assessment Tool on a computer or mobile device. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. You do not need to schedule a time to complete the self-assessment; you can complete it online whenever it is convenient for you. You will see your placement recommendation immediately at the end of the self-assessment and will receive a copy at your UWM email address.
  • If you are seeking to satisfy your Foreign Language General Education Requirement by demonstrating your proficiency in a language other than English, you will need to gain approval through independent testing. The UW System Placement test and UWM World Languages Self-Assessment Tool do NOT satisfy GER; they only earn placement into courses for enrollment. If you wish to prove GER level proficiency through independent testing, please email the Registrar’s Office at for instructions on that process.

The UWM World Languages Self-Assessment Tool can be used to help determine a placement recommendation in the following languages:

  • Ancient Greek
  • Anishinaabe
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Hebrew
  • Hmong
  • Irish Gaelic
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latin
  • Portuguese
  • Russian

Retro Credits
If you enroll in a foreign language course higher than the level one/introductory course and earn a grade of B or better in that course, you can earn retroactive credits for the courses leading up to it without taking them. For example, if you enroll in the level three Spanish 203 course and earn a B or better, you can fill out paperwork with your academic advisor to request retroactive credit for Spanish I (103) and Spanish II (104).

Chemistry Placement

Chemistry placement is based on a combination of math placement level and performance in high school chemistry. Academic advisors will assess student records and use course permission to enroll students.
Please note that during the first week of class, students in Chemistry 102 are required to take a chemistry placement test during their chemistry class to determine if their current enrollment is the best fit. Students in Chemistry 102 may need to switch their chemistry course depending on their placement test results.

Other Placement-Related Testing
College Level Exam Program (CLEP)

CLEP is a series of examinations that allow individuals to earn college credit for what they already know. This test is internet-based and score reports are available upon completion of the exam. Students can find more information on test content, cost, registration, and test location on CLEP’s website. Information on earning UWM credit through the CLEP exam can be found on the One Stop website.

Enrollment Policies
Below are various policies that relate to your enrollment in courses at UWM.
Academic Credit Load
The below chart provides status determinations used by federal, state, or private agencies. In order to be reported as fully-enrolled for a term, a student must be enrolled as of the day after the add deadline in that term. Prior to the add deadline, students are considered registered but not fully enrolled.

Fall/Spring Semester Credit Totals
Student Full Time Half Time Less Than Half
Undergraduates 12 or more 6-11 1-5
Graduates 8 or more 4-7 1-3
Summer Session Credit Totals
Undergraduates 6 or more 3-5 1-2
Graduates 6 or more 3-5 1-2

Teaching or program/project assistants that are employed at 1/3 or more time and enrolled for six or more credits during the fall and spring semesters are usually considered full time graduate students.

During each fall and spring semester until their dissertation is accepted by the Graduate School, doctoral students must be enrolled for either three graduate-level dissertation or research credits at the current per-credit dissertator rate. During any summers in which a doctoral student uses university facilities or faculty time, is a fellow or research assistant, or plans to graduate, the doctoral student must register for no more than three graduate level credits (dissertator rate) in the regular eight-week summer session.

Status & Financial Aid
Eligibility for veterans’ benefits and other types of aid may be based on different credit load requirements. AOC undergraduates are not considered full-time unless enrolled for 12 or more credits. English 90/95 and Math 90/95 will each be treated as the equivalent of a 3-credit class.

All students’ enrollment status for summer is defined to be the same as their fall/spring semester status. Department of Education rules require that the same credit load standards apply for spring, fall and summer session loan deferment verifications. Therefore, for undergraduates, an enrollment of at least six credits (half time enrollment) is required for loan deferment verification purposes for the summer session.

All status determinations and requirements are published through the Financial Aid Office.

Academic Credit Overloads

Maximum credit loads have been established for each term. Undergraduates who enroll beyond the max credit load will be assessed extra tuition above the normal full-time rate.

  • Fall or Spring terms: 18 credits in all schools and colleges, except Fine Arts (18 credits or three studio courses). The fall and spring registration limit in PAWS is 18 credits.
  • Summer term: 12 credits during the full term duration, but no more than four credits during any sessions less than or equal to four weeks. The summer enrollment limit in PAWS is 12 credits.
  • UWinteriM: 3 credits during the full term duration. The UWinteriM enrollment limit in PAWS is 3 credits. Due to the short duration of the term, overloads are generally not permitted during UWinteriM.

If an undergraduate student wishes to overload (take credits beyond the established maximum loads), they may request permission from their school or college advising office. Approval for overload does not waive any course prerequisites or permit enrollment in closed classes.

Graduate students may not register for more than 12 graduate credits in a Fall or Spring semester or 9 graduate credits in the eight-week Summer Session or a total of 12 graduate credits in all sessions between the conclusion of a Spring semester and the beginning of a fall semester. Audit, sport/recreation and colloquium seminar credits are not counted when determining a graduate student’s credit load.

If you are taking undergraduate certification coursework, are making up deficiencies, or have exceptional circumstances resulting in special hardship, you must appeal to Graduate Student Services for permission to carry more than the maximum credit load.

If you’re a doctoral student classified as a dissertator, you must be enrolled for three graduate-level credits (at the current dissertator rate) each semester until your doctoral dissertation is filed in the Golda Meir Library. The only number of credits for which a dissertator may register is three.

Approval for overload does not waive any course prerequisites or permit enrollment in closed classes. Forms must be submitted to Mellencamp 274 after the student’s initial registration appointment time, and will be processed by Registrar’s Office staff.

Administrative Drops

You may be administratively dropped from one or more of your classes in these situations:

  • If you enroll without permission in a class that you don’t meet the prerequisites for
  • If you don’t show up for the first week of class and don’t notify anyone
  • If you ever fail to meet the class attendance policy

Administrative Drops are initiated at the discretion of the department that is offering the course or by the course instructor. Departments and instructors have the right to enforce class prerequisite and attendance policies and may administratively drop students that do not meet the requirements. You are responsible for understanding course prerequisite or attendance policies as well as tuition for dropped classes.

Communicate with the course instructor if you feel you may be in danger of being administratively dropped, or drop a course as soon as you know you can’t remain in the class. Do not count on or wait for a department to complete an administrative drop as fees for dropped classes are based on the date you drop the class online via PAWS or the date your drop form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Class Standing

Class standing may be used as a prerequisite for a course. The prerequisite given in the course listing refers to the qualifications and/or standing needed to enroll in a given course. If no prerequisite is listed, the course is generally open to all students. If more than one prerequisite is listed, all are necessary unless a choice is clearly indicated.

Class Standing by Credit Totals
Number of Credits Earned
Junior 56-85
Senior 86 or more
Course Repeats

Unless a restriction is stated in the Schedule of Classes, undergraduates may repeat a course only once, and only the higher of the two grades will be calculated into the student’s grade point average (GPA). Both attempts will appear on the student’s transcript.  If retaking a class you already passed (e.g., to receive a better grade), the course may be repeated only once to be counted toward enrollment status for financial aid eligibility. If this passed course continues to be repeated, Title IV federal funds can no longer pay for this repeated course.

It is generally advisable for any student to consult an advisor before enrolling to repeat a course.

Students cannot enroll in the same course in the same term, even if the sessions are different.  If you know you will be unsuccessful in a course, you will have to repeat it in a subsequent semester.

If the UWM course repeats a course for which the student received transfer credit, the UWM course will be calculated into the GPA regardless of whether the UWM course grade is higher or lower. Both attempts will appear on the transcript. Once a bachelor’s degree has been earned, the academic career (credits, GPA, and coursework) starts over with any subsequent enrollment and the original record cannot be altered. Courses taken after the bachelor’s degree has been earned do not count as repeats of courses taken prior to the posting of the degree.

The single repeat limit applies to all courses, including courses taken for audit or with the credit/no credit option. Under exceptional circumstances additional repeats may be allowed following approval of a written appeal to the advising office of the student’s school or college. Departments offering the course have the right to establish special guidelines for additional repeats. Any special guidelines must apply to all students and shall be maintained, published, and enforced by the Registrar’s Office.

Exceptions to this policy are variable-topic courses which may be taken for credit as often as permitted for that particular course as specified in the Schedule of Classes. A variable-topic course may count as a repeat of a previously taken course only if the topic is identical to that of the student’s earlier enrollment and the repeat occurs within the same academic career.

Students who took a course as a repeat prior to fall 1988 are entitled to one additional enrollment. Transfer students who did not previously take a course at UWM are entitled to one repeat at UWM of a course taken at a previous institution.

If you have previously earned your degree from UWM, your attempted and earned credits as well as your cumulative GPA will start over with the courses you take in pursuit of your second degree. Courses taken as part of your first degree will not be considered repeats. Your original record cannot be altered.

Course Repeat Special Guidelines

As noted in the university’s policy on repeated courses, course repeats beyond the allowable limit must be approved by the student’s advising office. Effective as of Fall 2016, UWM’s College of Letters & Science and the Lubar School of Business have established additional guidelines requiring departmental approval for undergraduate students attempting classes offered by their academic units as well as the approval of the student’s academic unit.  Additional details on specific academic units requiring departmental approval for repeats after two attempts are available through the College:

College of Letters & Science Repeat Policy

Contact: Letters & Science Advising, Holton Hall 142

Lubar College of Business Repeat Policy

Contact: Undergraduate Student Services, Lubar Hall N297
(414) 229-5271


Credit Hour Policy

Study leading to one semester credit represents an investment of time by the average student of not fewer than 48 hours for class contact in lectures, for laboratories, examinations, tutorials and recitations, and for preparation and study; or a demonstration by the student of learning equivalent to that established as the expected product of such a period of study.

See the full UWM Credit Hour Policy.

Grading Basis

Most students enroll in classes on a “Graded” basis that results in the assignment of a letter grade that appears on the transcript.  See the Grades section for more information.

Some classes allow the student to select a different grading basis during the enrollment process, including Credit/No Credit and Audit.

Credit/No Credit

Some courses may be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis rather than for a letter grade. To be granted credit for a course that you’ve enrolled in with the Credit/No Credit option, you must earn a grade of C- or better.

Courses used to satisfy General Education Requirements and the English and math competencies may not be taken with the C/NC option. Schools and colleges with specific limitations on courses taken with the C/NC option are published below.

Some courses are offered on a C/NC basis only. These may be taken in addition to the published limits. C/NC courses are not counted in the GPA, but courses in which credit is earned will count toward graduation. Courses may be changed from a regular graded basis to C/NC or vice versa only during the same period as courses may be added. Only one such change may be made per semester per course.

University Special Students should contact an advisor in the Admissions Office for more information on the C/NC option.

Off-campus students should contact their advisor for more information on the C/NC option.

Credit/No Credit Option Table
School/College Qualifying Students C/NC Eligible Courses Limits
Pathway Advising Pathway Advising students follow the rules published for Letters & Science
College of Engineering & Applied Science Undergraduates in Engineering & Applied Science Free elective or Arts/Humanities/Social Science elective courses. Maximum of 12 credits; no more than three credits in any one semester.
College of Health Sciences Undergraduates admitted to the College of Health Sciences No required courses in any of the pre-professional or professional programs may be taken on a C/NC basis. Only one course, regardless of number of credits, may be taken per semester. A maximum of 12 credits may be taken C/NC.
College of Letters & Science Undergraduates in Letters & Science Courses other than Honors courses that are not in the student’s major or minor. One course per semester, maximum of eight courses.
College of Nursing Undergraduates in Nursing Non-clinical elective courses in Nursing. One course per semester, maximum of six credits.
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare Undergraduates majors and pre-majors in Social Work & Criminal Justice Only used in courses outside the 54-65 credit requirements in the Social Work or Criminal Justice major. One course per semester, maximum of eight courses.
Lubar College of Business Undergraduates in Business & Pre-Business All non-business courses (courses outside Lubar School of Business) that are not required as part of the student’s major. One course per semester; maximum of eight courses. No Business course may be taken on a C/NC basis by any student regardless of their program unless it is only offered on a C/NC basis. Pre-Business Students may not take ECON 103, ECON 104, or MATH 211 on a C/NC basis.
Peck School of the Arts Undergraduates in the Arts Courses outside of the major; any course which would fulfill the core curriculum requirements. One course per semester; maximum of eight courses
School Architecture & Urban Planning Pre-Architecture students and upper-level students with a 2.5 GPA Elective courses; courses other than the 48 credits required for the Architectural Studies degree. One course per semester, maximum eight courses.
School of Education Undergraduates in Education & Pre-Education Please see your advisor. Please see your advisor.
School of Information Studies Undergraduates in Information Resources All non-Information Studies (courses outside SOIS) that are not required as part of the student’s major. One course per semester, maximum eight courses.

Any non-degree seeking student or other individual who wishes to participate in a class at UWM without earning credit or pursuing a program should contact the Admissions Office.

If you audit a class, you won’t receive a grade or earn college credit for the class, and in most cases, you won’t be expected to take exams or prepare projects or term papers. Be sure to discuss course work and attendance requirements with your instructor during the first week of class. Course auditing is generally not permitted during UWinteriM.

Classes that require instructor consent to audit or never can be taken for audit are marked in the Schedule of Classes.

Auditors of any class held in the Klotsche Center and Pavilion will need to register each semester at the University Recreation Information Center in the Klotsche Center & Pavilion. Auditors will be permitted to use the space in the building assigned to the class only during the actual meeting times of the class. The auditor will be permitted to enter the facility 30 minutes prior to the class start time.

In order to gain regular access to the Klotsche Center and Pavilion facilities, any auditor, dissertator, off-campus student, or other class participant who has not paid the mandatory student fee must do so in the Bursar Office. The mandatory student fee is dependent on corresponding credit load and must be received in full before usage of facilities.