Courseleaf Curriculum Software (CIM) System

Please contact Natalie Chin, CMS Functional Administrator, at if you have questions or need access to the CourseLeaf system.

  • Course Form: Authorized department and school/college faculty and staff may use this form to initiate the creation of a new course, modify or discontinue an existing course, or view course changes that are in-progress or approved.
  • Program Form: Authorized department and school/college faculty and staff may use this form to change or delete an existing academic program (program, major, minor, or certificate), and view program change requests that are in-progress or approved.
  • Misc Form: Authorized department and school/college faculty or staff may use this form to create or change curricular areas, or view curricular area creations or changes that are in-progress or approved.

Effective Fall 2024, CIM proposals are subject to the Curricular Change Deadlines by Effective Term Policy.