Final Exam Schedule

Final Examinations

Final exams are scheduled for full-term enrollment sections in PAWS for two hours in accordance with the final exam policy and final exam schedule.

Prior approval, ahead of the schedule of classes publication date for the term, is required to change a final exam time for a class section. Changing a final time will require the exam to be held during the Optional Exam Time or later in the week. Requests must be first approved by the dean or director. The dean or director approved request must then be submitted to the Provost’s Office for final approval. If approved by the Provost’s Office, the Registrar’s Office must be notified by the validation deadline of the fall and spring terms to avoid conflicts.

Students may request an alternate time for an exam if they have three or more scheduled exams on the same day. When a combined final exam conflicts with a student’s individual final exam, another combined final exam, or results in three or more exams in one day, it is the responsibility of the department giving the combined final exam to offer it at another time. The ‘Optional Exam Time’ is included on the schedule for make-up or rescheduled exams.

Exam Times Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 – 10:30 AM Combined Final
Exam Time
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
11 AM – 1 PM Combined Final
Exam Time
10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
1:30 – 3:30 PM Combined Final
Exam Time
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
Combined Final
Exam Time
4 – 6 PM Combined Final
Exam Time
2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
Combined Final
Exam Time
6:30 – 8:30 PM Additional
Combined Final
Exam Time
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
Exam Time
    • Individual Final Exams: Most final exams are scheduled based on the class sections’ meeting pattern during one of the four daytime blocks on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday morning during final exam week.
      • MWF, includes the following meeting patterns: MWF, M, W, F, MW, MF, WF, MTWR, MTWF, MWRF, MTRF, and MTWRF
      • TR, includes the following meeting patterns: TR, T, R, TF, RF, TRF, and TWRF
    • Combined Final Exams: These exams are given at the same time for a group of class sections for a course and are scheduled during one of the six blocks on Friday or Saturday (or from 6:30-8:30 PM on Saturday, if needed) during final exam week. Combined final exam blocks fall outside of the individual final exam schedule to reduce conflicts for students and space, particularly large lecture halls.
      • Student Conflicts: When a combined final exam conflicts with a student’s individual final exam, another combined final exam, or results in three or more exams in one day, it is the responsibility of the department giving the combined final exam to offer it at another time. The ‘Optional Exam Time’ is included on the schedule for make-up or rescheduled exams.
    • Evening Exams (5:30 PM and later): Evening final exams are held in the 6:30-8:30 PM block during final exam week.
    • Saturday Classes: Final exams for Saturday class sections are scheduled at the start of the hour, in which they are regularly scheduled, for two hours on the Saturday of final exam week.
    • Optional Exam Time: Based upon recommendation from the Academic Policy Committee, this optional exam period has been reserved for students with exam conflicts to take one of the conflicting exams.
    • Official Emergency Date: If the University must declare an official emergency during the final examination period, the exams that are postponed will be rescheduled in the same rooms at the same times on the designated date for the term. If more than one day of exams are cancelled, the Office of the Provost will announce plans for rescheduling.


Accessibility Resource Center: Alternative Testing
Finals taken in the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) will be scheduled in blocks with specific start times of 8am (when a course final is scheduled before noon) or 1pm (when a course final is scheduled after 1pm). Due to the number of students who take final exams in the ARC testing center, this form of scheduling ensures minimal distractions. Visit the Alternative Testing FAQ on the ARC website for additional details.

Schedule Publication

The final exam schedule for fall and spring terms are published at the same time as the schedule of classes for the term. This allows students to be able to plan their final exams while planning their schedule for the term.

Final Exam Scheduling and Room Assignments
The final exam schedule for a term is generated in PAWS by the Registrar’s Office around late-September for fall terms and mid-February for spring terms. PAWS attempts to schedule all final exams in the classroom in which the section is taught unless a conflict arises with another final exam. Department academic schedule builders and coordinators are notified when final exams are scheduled, and rooms are assigned. It is the responsibility of the department to contact the instructor and students regarding any classroom changes.

Once scheduled and rooms assigned, final exam times, dates and locations are available to students, faculty, and teaching staff in PAWS. Follow the links below to find out how to see your schedules:

Instructor Email from PAWS
Instructors with grade approval access for a section will receive two auto-generated emails from PAWS indicating the section(s) for the term with their exam date, start and end time, and location.

Study Day Policy
The current iteration of the study day was created as a permanent fixture of the academic calendar via a motion by the Academic Policy Committee in 1987 as part of the 1989-90 academic calendar recommendation.

For more detailed Final Exam and Study Day policies, please refer to this document. 

Spring Final Examination Schedule

May 10 and 12-17, 2025

Optional Exam Time: Friday, May 16, 2025, from 6:30-8:30 PM

Official Emergency Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025

Individual Final Exams: Most final exams are scheduled during one of four daytime blocks on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning during final exam week. To determine the date and time of an exam, locate the meeting days (MWF or TR) and start time (from within the range stated in each box) of the enrollment (often a lecture) class section. For example, if the class meets during the semester TR 2:30-3:45 PM, the exam block is TR 2:30 PM (2:30-3:29 PM), and the final exam is Tuesday, May 13, 2025 from 4-6 PM.

  • MWF, includes the following meeting patterns: MWF, M, W, F, MW, MF, WF, MTWR, MTWF, MWRF, MTRF, and MTWRF
  • TR, includes the following meeting patterns: TR, T, R, TF, RF, TRF, and TWRF

Evening Exams (5:30 PM and later): Evening final exams are held in the 6:30-8:30 PM block during final exam week. If the class meets multiple days per week, the final exam will be held on the first day of the meeting pattern. For example, if a class meets TR at 5:30 PM, the exam will be held Tuesday at 6:30 PM during exam week.

Combined Final Exams: These exams are scheduled during one of the six blocks on Friday or Saturday (or from 6:30-8:30 PM Saturday, if needed) during final exam week. Combined final exam blocks fall outside of the individual final exam schedule to reduce conflicts for students and space, such as large lecture halls.

Saturday Classes: Saturday classes hold their final exams at the start of the hour, in which it is regularly scheduled, for two hours. For example, if a class meets at 9:30 AM, the exam will be held Saturday from 9-11 AM during exam week.

Individual and Combined Final Exam Schedule
For more information on the courses and sections included in the combined finals, see chart below this schedule.

Exam Times Saturday
May 10
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
8:30 – 10:30 AM
  • BUS ADM 230 & 231
  • MATH B
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
11 AM – 1 PM
  • SPANISH 103, 104, 203, & 204
10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
1:30 – 3:30 PM
  • FRENCH 103, 104, 203, & 204
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
  • BUS ADM 210
  • CGS MAT (WAUK) 92, 98, 102, 105, & 108
4 – 6 PM
  • BUS ADM 201* & 301*
  • MATH A
2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
  • BUS ADM 100
6:30 – 8:30 PM Additional
Combined Final
Exam Time
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
Exam Time

* Approved 3-hour final exam.

Combined Final Exam Courses and Sections Information

Course(s) Sections
 BUS ADM 201*  401, 402, and 403
 BUS ADM 210   401 and 402
 BUS ADM 230  401 and 402
 BUS ADM 301*  401 and 402
 BUS ADM 844  001 and 002
 CGS MAT (WAUK) – 92, 98, 102, 105, and 108  All sections scheduled for WAUK campus
 FRENCH – 103, 104, 203, and 204  All sections
 MATH A – 92, 98, 102, 108, and MTHSTAT 215  All daytime sections
(sections scheduled 5:30 PM or later follow the evening exam schedule)
 MATH B – 94, 105, 115, 175, 176, 211, and 231  All daytime sections
(sections scheduled 5:30 PM or later follow the evening exam schedule)
 PHILOS – 101, 111, and 211  101: 401 and 402
 111: 401 and 402 (combined with MATH 111 401 and 402)
 211: 401
 SPANISH – 103, 104, 203, and 204  All sections

* Approved 3-hour final exam.

Non-Standard Final Exams
Per the final exam policy, final exams that deviate from the standard schedule must be approved by the Provost’s Office prior to the publication for the term.

CGS BIO 251 3401 and 5401
The final exams are scheduled based on the in person lab meeting pattern. Please contact the instructor for more information.

  • 3401 final exam will be Monday, May 13, 2024 from 4 to 6 PM
  • 5081 final exam will be Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 4 to 6 PM

Please contact the instructor for more information.

  • NURS at WAUK
    Nursing sections at Waukesha are scheduled in accordance with the UW Parkside final exam schedule.
  • NURS at MILW
    The following Nursing sections at Milwaukee are scheduled to due to conflicts and other requirements of the major.
    • NURS 351 001 final exam will be Wednesday, May 14, 2025 from 11 AM to 1 PM
    • NURS 352 002 final exam will be Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 11 AM to 1 PM
    • NURS 399 401 final exam will be Friday, May 16, 2025 from 8:30 to 10:30 AM
    • NURS 400 001 final exam will be Tuesday, May 13, 2025 from 11 AM to 1 PM
    • NURS 420 001 final exam will be Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
    • NURS 431 001 final exam will be Wednesday, May 14, 2025 from 4 PM to 6 PM
    • NURS 435 001 final exam will be Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 4 PM to 6 PM
Fall Final Examination Schedule

December 14 and 16-20, 2024

Optional Exam Time: Friday, December 20, 2024, from 6:30-8:30 PM

Official Emergency Date: Saturday, December 21, 2024

Individual Final Exams: Most final exams are scheduled during one of four daytime blocks on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning during final exam week. To determine the date and time of an exam, locate the meeting days (MWF or TR) and start time (from within the range stated in each box) of the lecture. For example, if the class meets during the semester TR 2:30-3:45 PM, the exam block is TR 2:30-3:29 PM, and the final exam is Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 4-6 PM.

  • MWF, includes the following meeting patterns: MWF, M, W, F, MW, MF, WF, MTWR, MTWF, MWRF, MTRF, and MTWRF
  • TR, includes the following meeting patterns: TR, T, R, TF, RF, TRF, and TWRF

Evening Exams (5:30 PM and later): Evening final exams are held in the 6:30-8:30 PM block during final exam week. If the class meets multiple days per week, the final exam will be held on the first day of the meeting pattern (i.e., if a class meets TR at 5:30 PM, the exam will be held Tuesday at 6:30 PM during exam week).

Combined Final Exams: These exams are scheduled during one of the six blocks on Friday or Saturday (or from 6:30-8:30 PM Saturday, if needed) during final exam week. Combined final exam blocks fall outside of the individual final exam schedule to reduce conflicts for students and space, such as large lecture halls.

Saturday Classes: Saturday classes hold their final exams at the start of the hour, in which it is regularly scheduled, for two hours (i.e., if a class meets at 9:30 AM, the exam will be held Saturday from 9-11 AM during exam week).

Individual & Combined Final Exam Schedule
For more information on the courses and sections included in the combined finals, see chart below this schedule.

Exam Times Saturday
December 14
December 16
December 17
December 18
December 19
December 20
8:30 – 10:30 AM SPANISH 103, 104, 203, & 204
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
8:30 AM
(8:30-9:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
9:30 & 10 AM
(9:30-10:29 AM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
11 AM – 1 PM BUS ADM 210

10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
10:30 AM
(10:30-11:29 AM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
11:30 AM
(11:30 AM-12:29 PM)
4:30 PM
(4:30-5:29 PM)
1:30 – 3:30 PM BUS ADM 100
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
12:30 & 1 PM
(12:30-1:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
1:30 PM
(1:30-2:29 PM)
BUS ADM 230 & 231

CGS MAT (WAUK) 92, 98, 102, 105, & 108

4 – 6 PM BUS ADM 201* & 301*

2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
2:30 PM
(2:30-3:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
3:30 & 4 PM
(3:30-4:29 PM)
FRENCH 103, 104, 203, & 204
6:30 – 8:30 PM Additional
Combined Final
Exam Time
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
5:30 PM and Later
(5:30-8:55 PM)
Exam Time

* Approved 3-hour final exam.

Combined Finals Exam Courses and Sections Information

Course(s) Sections
 BUS ADM 100  401, 402, 403, and 404
 BUS ADM 201*  401, 402, and 403
 BUS ADM 210   401 and 402
 BUS ADM 230  401 and 402
 BUS ADM 231  001
 BUS ADM 301*  401, 402, and 403
 CGS MAT (WAUK) – 92, 98, 102, 105, and 108  All sections scheduled for WAUK campus
 FRENCH – 103, 104, 203, and 204  All sections
 MATH A – 92, 98, 102, 108, and MTHSTAT 215  All daytime sections
(sections scheduled 5:30 PM or later follow the evening exam schedule)
 MATH B – 94, 105, 115, 175, 176, 211, and 231  All daytime sections
(sections scheduled 5:30 PM or later follow the evening exam schedule)
 SPANISH – 103, 104, 203, and 204  All sections

* Approved 3-hour final exam.

Non-Standard Final Exams
Per the final exam policy, final exams that deviate from the standard schedule must be approved by the Provost’s Office prior to the publication for the term.

Please contact the instructor for more information.

  • NURS at WAUK
    Nursing sections at Waukesha are scheduled in accordance with the UW Parkside final exam schedule.

    • NURS 431 3001 final exam will be Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 1 to 3 PM
    • NURS 432 3001 final exam will be Friday, December 13, 2024 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
    • NURS 435 3001 final exam will be Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  • NURS at MILW
    The following Nursing sections at Milwaukee are scheduled to due to conflicts and other requirements of the major.

    • NURS 398 401 final exam will be Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 4 to 6 PM
    • NURS 399 001 final exam will be Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 4 to 6 PM
    • NURS 400 001 final exam will be Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 11 AM to 1 PM
    • NURS 431 001 final exam will be Wednesday, December 18, 2024 from 11 AM to 1 PM
    • NURS 435 001 final exam will be Thursday, December 19, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM