Post Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC)

Post Enrollment Requirement Checking, or PERC, is a process within PAWS that allows students currently enrolled in prerequisite courses to enroll in subsequent courses on a conditional basis until a grade has been earned.

Example: Rita Paws is enrolled in BIO SCI 150 during the Spring 2015 term and wishes to enroll in BIO SCI 152 for the Fall 2015 term. The prerequisite for BIO SCI 152 requires successful completion of BIO SCI 150 with a grade of C or greater. Because Rita is currently enrolled in 150, she is able to conditionally enroll in 152. Once a grade is earned in 150, the Bio Sci department will review her grade to determine if she can stay registered or should be administratively dropped from the course.

The PERC Process
The process is very straightforward and user-friendly. Once a class is set up for PERC, students receive a “conditional enrollment” message when they add the class, even though they are technically fully enrolled (i.e. taking a seat in the class, charged tuition and fees, etc.). Following the final grade post for the prior term, a process runs to update the student’s status from conditional to either satisfied or not satisfied, depending on the grade earned in the prerequisite course.* The status of the students can be monitored by the department via the PERC roster in PAWS. The roster can be used to review student grades and also mark students for administrative drops.

*Department administrators can choose to manually run the PERC process during the grading period (prior to the final grade run). This is recommended if you know that the grades for a particular prerequisite course have already been entered into PAWS.

  • Seats open much quicker since grades are checked as soon as they are posted. This gives the dropped students more time to enroll in alternate classes and students who do meet the prerequisite to get in.
  • An email is generated and sent to students at the time they are dropped, no need for the departments to contact each student individually.
  • Reasons for the student not meeting the prerequisite(s) are clear.
  • List of dropped students is archived in the PERC roster for easy reference, if any questions arise.
How Do I Get PERC For My Department?
Before Priority Enrollment begins, contact the Registrar’s Office via the RO Contact Form indicating your interest, and list the courses that you’d like to utilize PERC. Someone from the Registrar’s Office will get in contact with you to schedule a short meeting to discuss logistics. Please note: the initial set up for the PERC process can be complex. If there is not enough time before enrollment to get everything in place, the RO will recommend waiting until the subsequent semester to implement PERC.
Helpful PERC Resources