Important Dates by Term

Below are important dates that occur throughout each semester.  Please note that multiple sessions exist within each semester, and the add, drop, and tuition/fee deadlines that are listed below generally pertain to the regular session (full-term) only.

For specific dates and deadlines related to every session within a term, please see the Interactive Add/Drop Calendar.

Visit PAWS Resources for additional information on PAWS, including system availability.

Dates and deadlines are subject to change.

Summer 2027
Monday, January 18, 2027Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, March 22, 2027PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, March 29, 2027PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, April 03, 2027PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, April 16, 2027TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Monday, May 24, 2027First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes for most early sessions.
Tuesday, June 01, 2027Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Sunday, July 04, 2027Independence Day BreakUniversity closed for Independence Day.
Saturday, August 21, 2027Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes for most late sessions.
Saturday, August 28, 2027Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Tuesday, August 31, 2027Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Spring 2027
Monday, October 19, 2026Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, November 09, 2026PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, November 16, 2026PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Friday, December 04, 2026TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Saturday, December 05, 2026PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Thursday, January 14, 2027Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Sunday, January 24, 2027Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Monday, January 25, 2027First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, January 29, 2027Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Friday, January 29, 2027Graduation Application Deadline - Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Saturday, January 30, 2027Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Sunday, February 21, 2027Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, March 21, 2027Spring Break March 21-28. No Classes (UWM offices are open).
Sunday, April 11, 2027Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Wednesday, May 12, 2027Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Thursday, May 13, 2027Study DayStudy day.
Friday, May 14, 2027Final ExamsMay 14-15, 17-21. No final exams on May 16.
Sunday, May 16, 2027GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Friday, May 21, 2027Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Thursday, May 27, 2027Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
UWinterM 2027
28-Sep-2026Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
12-Oct-2026PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
19-Oct-2026PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
24-Oct-2026PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
14-Nov-2026TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
3-Jan-2027Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
4-Jan-2027Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
4-Jan-2027First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
8-Jan-2027Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
21-Jan-2027Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
21-Jan-2027Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
27-Jan-2027Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Fall 2026
Monday, March 23, 2026Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Saturday, April 04, 2026PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, April 13, 2026PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, May 02, 2026PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, June 26, 2026TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Thursday, August 20, 2026Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Tuesday, September 01, 2026Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Wednesday, September 02, 2026First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, September 04, 2026Graduation Application Deadline Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Wednesday, September 09, 2026Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Thursday, September 10, 2026Graduation Application Deadline Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Tuesday, September 29, 2026Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, November 08, 2026Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Wednesday, November 25, 2026Thanksgiving Break November 25- 29. No Classes (UWM offices are open on Wednesday & Friday).
Monday, December 14, 2026Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Tuesday, December 15, 2026Study DayStudy day.
Wednesday, December 16, 2026Final ExamsDecember 16-19, 21-23.
Sunday, December 20, 2026GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Wednesday, December 23, 2026Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Monday, January 04, 2027Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Summer 2026
Monday, January 12, 2026Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, March 23, 2026PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, March 30, 2026PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, April 04, 2026PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, April 17, 2026TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Tuesday, May 26, 2026First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes for most early sessions.
Monday, June 01, 2026Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Saturday, July 04, 2026Independence Day BreakUniversity closed for Independence Day.
Saturday, August 29, 2026Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes for most late sessions.
Saturday, August 29, 2026Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Tuesday, September 01, 2026Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Spring 2026
Monday, October 27, 2025Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, November 10, 2025PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, November 17, 2025PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Friday, December 05, 2025TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Saturday, December 06, 2025PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Thursday, January 15, 2026Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Sunday, January 25, 2026Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Monday, January 26, 2026First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, January 30, 2026Graduation Application Deadline - Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Friday, January 30, 2026Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Saturday, February 07, 2026Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Sunday, February 22, 2026Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, March 22, 2026Spring Break March 22-29. No Classes (UWM offices are open).
Sunday, April 12, 2026Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Wednesday, May 13, 2026Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Thursday, May 14, 2026Study DayStudy day.
Friday, May 15, 2026Final ExamsMay 15-16, 18-22. No final exams on May 17.
Sunday, May 17, 2026GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Friday, May 22, 2026Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Friday, May 29, 2026Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
UWinterM 2026
2-Oct-2025Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
6-Oct-2025PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
13-Oct-2025PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
18-Oct-2025PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
15-Nov-2025TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
9-Jan-2026Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
5-Jan-2026First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
5-Jan-2026Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
9-Jan-2026Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
22-Jan-2026Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
22-Jan-2026Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
28-Jan-2026Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Fall 2025
Tuesday, March 25, 2025Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, April 07, 2025PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, April 14, 2025PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, May 03, 2025PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, July 25, 2025TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Thursday, August 21, 2025Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Monday, September 01, 2025Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Tuesday, September 02, 2025First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, September 05, 2025Graduation Application Deadline Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, September 08, 2025Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Tuesday, September 16, 2025Graduation Application Deadline Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, September 29, 2025Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, November 09, 2025Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Wednesday, November 26, 2025Thanksgiving Break November 26- December 1. No Classes (UWM offices are open on Wednesday & Friday).
Thursday, December 11, 2025Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Friday, December 12, 2025Study DayStudy day.
Saturday, December 13, 2025Final ExamsDecember 13, 15-20. No final exams on December 14.
Saturday, December 20, 2025Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Sunday, December 14, 2025GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Monday, December 29, 2025Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Summer 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, March 24, 2025PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, March 31, 2025PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, April 05, 2025PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, April 18, 2025TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Monday, May 19, 2025First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes for most early sessions.
Sunday, June 01, 2025Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Friday, July 04, 2025Independence Day BreakUniversity closed for Independence Day.
Saturday, August 23, 2025Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes for most late sessions.
Saturday, August 23, 2025Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Tuesday, August 26, 2025Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Spring 2025
Monday, October 28, 2024Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, November 11, 2024PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, November 18, 2024PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Friday, December 06, 2024TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Saturday, December 07, 2024PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Thursday, January 09, 2025Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Monday, January 20, 2025Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, January 24, 2025Graduation Application Deadline - Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, January 27, 2025Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Tuesday, February 04, 2025Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, February 17, 2025Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, March 16, 2025Spring Break March 16-23. No Classes (UWM offices are open).
Sunday, April 06, 2025Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Thursday, May 08, 2025Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Friday, May 09, 2025Study DayStudy day.
Saturday, May 10, 2025Final ExamsMay 10, 12-17. No final exams on May 11.
Saturday, May 17, 2025Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Sunday, May 18, 2025GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Thursday, May 22, 2025Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
UWinterM 2025
2-Oct-2024Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
7-Oct-2024PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
14-Oct-2024PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
19-Oct-2024PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
15-Nov-2024TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
1-Jan-2025Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
2-Jan-2025First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
2-Jan-2025Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
8-Jan-2025Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
17-Jan-2025Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
17-Jan-2025Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
24-Jan-2025Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Fall 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
Monday, April 08, 2024PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
Monday, April 15, 2024PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
Saturday, May 04, 2024PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
Friday, July 19, 2024TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
Thursday, August 22, 2024Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
Monday, September 02, 2024Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
Tuesday, September 03, 2024First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
Friday, September 06, 2024Graduation Application Deadline Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, September 09, 2024Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024Graduation Application Deadline Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
Monday, September 30, 2024Last Day to Drop without W Last day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
Sunday, November 10, 2024Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024Thanksgiving Break November 27- December 1. No Classes (UWM offices are open on Wednesday & Friday).
Thursday, December 12, 2024Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
Friday, December 13, 2024Study DayStudy day.
Saturday, December 14, 2024Final ExamsDecember 14, 16-21. No final exams on December 17.
Saturday, December 21, 2024Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
Sunday, December 15, 2024GraduationGraduation ceremony.
Monday, December 30, 2024Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Summer 2024
8-Jan-2024Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
18-Mar-2024PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
25-Mar-2024PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
30-Mar-2024PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
19-Apr-2024TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
20-May-2024First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes for most early sessions.
1-Jun-2024Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
4-Jul-2024Independence Day BreakUniversity closed for Independence Day.
24-Aug-2024Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes for most late sessions.
24-Aug-2024Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
27-Aug-2024Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Spring 2024
23-Oct-2023Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
6-Nov-2023PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
13-Nov-2023PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
1-Dec-2023TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
2-Dec-2023PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
18-Jan-2024Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
21-Jan-2024Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
22-Jan-2024First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
26-Jan-2024Graduation Application Deadline - Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
2-Feb-2024Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
3-Feb-2024Graduation Application Deadline - Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
18-Feb-2024Last Day to Drop without WLast day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
17-Mar-2024Spring BreakMarch 17-24. No Classes (UWM offices are open).
7-Apr-2024Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
9-May-2024Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
10-May-2024Study DayStudy day.
11-May-2024Final ExamsMay 11, 13-18. No final exams on May 12.
18-May-2024Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
19-May-2024GraduationGraduation ceremony.
23-May-2024Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
UWinteriM 2024
2-Oct-2023Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
2-Oct-2023PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
9-Oct-2023PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
14-Oct-2023PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
10-Nov-2023TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
1-Jan-2024Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
2-Jan-2024First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
2-Jan-2024Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
8-Jan-2024Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
20-Jan-2024Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
20-Jan-2024Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
25-Jan-2024Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.
Fall 2023
20-Mar-23Schedule of Classes ReleasedApproximate date the Schedule of Classes will appear on PAWS.
3-Apr-23PAWS Enrollment Appointments & Shopping CartApproximate date that students who are eligible to enroll may access their Enrollment Shopping Cart and Enrollment Appointment time on PAWS. All holds must be cleared before students can enroll.
10-Apr-23PAWS Priority Enrollment BeginsBeginning of priority enrollment by appointment. PAWS will generally be available for enrollment from 6:00 am to midnight, Monday - Saturday, and noon to midnight on Sunday.
6-May-23PAWS Open Enrollment BeginsOpen enrollment period begins.
23-Jun-23TuitionApproximate date that tuition assessments will appear on PAWS for enrolled students.
31-Aug-23Final Waitlists EndFinal date for waitlist process run. Waitlists will be purged after the final run.
4-Sep-23Last Day to Withdraw with Full RefundLast day to withdraw (drop all classes) from the semester without charge or for full refund.
5-Sep-23First Day of ClassesFirst day of classes. Start of Late Enrollment Period - $50.00 late enrollment fee assessed for students enrolling in classes for the first time in the term.
8-Sep-23Graduation Application Deadline Undergraduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for undergraduate students. This application initiates a undergraduate program review and is required for all undergraduate students to get undergraduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
18-Sep-23Add DeadlineLast day to add full-term classes, change sections, or change the grading basis for classes (e.g., graded to credit/no credit or audit, or vice versa) without approval.
19-Sep-23Graduation Application Deadline Graduate StudentsDeadline for graduation application submissions for graduate students. This application initiates a graduate program review and is required for all graduate students to get graduate degrees or certificates awarded. Submit applications via PAWS. This is NOT an application for a UWM Commencement Ceremony.
2-Oct-23Last Day to Drop without WLast day to drop full-term courses without a "W" on record. Tuition and fees apply.
12-Nov-23Drop DeadlineLast day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses. Tuition and fees apply.
22-Nov-23Thanksgiving BreakNovember 22-26. No Classes (UWM offices are open on Wednesday & Friday).
14-Dec-23Last Day of ClassesLast day of classes.
15-Dec-23Study DayStudy day.
16-Dec-23Final ExamsDecember 16, 18-23. No final exams on December 17.
23-Dec-23Degree Conferral DateLast day of the term. Date of degree conferral for graduating students.
17-Dec-23GraduationGraduation ceremony.
29-Dec-23Grade DeadlineFinal entry deadline for instructor grading (final grade run date). All grades not entered into PAWS by 4:30 pm will result in a value of NR, or not reported. After this point, all grade entries need to be submitted as a grade change.