Administrative Access to PAWS

Administrative Access to PAWS for Faculty/Staff/Student Employees

The following information is for Faculty and Staff only. In the past, PDF forms were used to request PAWS access. Employees now log on to the Online PAWS Access Form and submit the request for access themselves. Prior to submitting the request, please work with your supervisor to determine what access you need, and if there is someone else in your area that you need the same access as. Supervisors will get an email asking them to approve the access request.

Documentation on how the new online process works can be found on the KB.

NOTE: PAWS access requests cannot be submitted until the FERPA quiz has been successfully completed.

  1. Establish an EPanther ID and Password if you do not already have one.
  2. Complete the FERPA Tutorial and Quiz. PAWS access requests cannot be submitted until the FERPA quiz has been successfully completed.
  3. Complete the appropriate online PAWS Authorization Request HERE. Once you’ve completed the online request form, it will be routed to your supervisor for approval.
    • Select ‘PAWS Administrative Access’ in the System drop down menu.
    • Select the appropriate Functional Area for the access you are requesting.
    • If you have questions about data access, please contact the email address listed in the table below.
    • Access to Online Grade Change Authorization still requires the paper/PDF form, please see link below.
  4. Once you have been authorized, you will receive your access confirmation via email.
Functional Area Contact
Registrar’s Office/Admissions: Access to admissions data/processing, academic advisement reports, transcripts, schedule of classes, and all other student records and curriculum areas data/processes.


  • Online PAWS Access Form
    • Select System: PAWS Administrative Access
    • Select Group: Registrar’s Office/Admissions
    • Either enter the ePantherID of a person to copy access from in the “Same Access as Existing User”, or select the options available in the check boxes/radio buttons.
    • If the options don’t meet your needs, enter information in to the Justification box. Be as detailed as possible, even listing pages needed.
  • Online PAWS Access Form for Grade Change Approval (departmental or dean level)
    • Select System: PAWS Administrative Access
    • Select Group: Grade Change Approval
Student Financials: Access to view or update Student Financial information, such as tuition/fee charges and remissions processing (a one-on-one training session is required before remissions processing access is granted, please contact to make arrangements).
Financial Aid: Access to view or update student Financial Aid, including processing scholarships.
Technical/UITS: Access to the development and test environment of PAWS (not live data, typically for testing and developing functions in PAWS to be released at a later date), and other technical access, including the P-Drive. This access is rarely needed for staff outside of UITS, Registrar’s, Admissions, Financial Aid, and Student Financials offices.
  • Online PAWS Access Form
    • Select System: PAWS Administrative Access
    • Select Group:
      • Non-Production Instances – Functional Areas (for access to TEST/DEVL)
      • Production Instance – Technical Access (for access to P Drive, Query, etc.)

Anyone needing to be added to the advisor table (which allows you to be assigned as an advisor to students, and grants access to the Advisor Center in PAWS) will also need to complete the FERPA Tutorial and Quiz. Once completed, please email to be added.

If you already have access to one functional area, please complete an online request for each new functional area. Additional access for a functional area you have access to already will also be requested through the online access request form. FERPA training only needs to be completed once. Changes in position and/or departments will require a new form to be submitted, as access granted in a previous position will be removed.