January 27, 2023
Joseph Rennie
Colorado College Title: Galois Theories via Homotopical Thinking
February 3, 2023
Tullia Dymarz
UW-Madison Title: Random Nilpotent Groups
February 10, 2023
Sebastian Hurtado
Yale University Title: Rigidity of lattices in Lie groups
February 24, 2023
Francisco Arana-Herrera
University of Maryland
Title: Counting closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces
March 3, 2023
Michael Dairyko
Title: Applications of data science in major league sports
March 10, 2023
Dylan Thurston
Indiana University
Title: Counting curves with currents
March 17, 2023 (cancelled due to weather)
Alexandru Hening
Texas A&M University
Title: A general theory of coexistence for ecological communities
March 31, 2023
Suresh Eswarathasan
Dalhousie University
Title: Weyl Law for Commuting Hamiltonians
April 14, 2023
Catherine Pfaff
Queens University
Title: What Happens When You Iterate a Free Group Automorphism & Typical Trees in the Boundary of Outer Space
April 21, 2023
Tarik Aougab
Haverford College
Title: Counting Triangulations
May 5, 2023
Jennifer Elder
Rockhurst University
Title: Homomesies on Permutations