Fall 2022 Colloquia


September 9th, 2022

Dr. Luis David Garcia Puente
Colorado College
Title: An Introduction to Algebraic Statistics
Colloquium Flyer 


September 16th, 2022

Dr. Piotr Przytycki
McGill University
Title: Coxeter groups are biautomatic
Colloquium Flyer 


September 23rd, 2022

Dr. Ami Radunskaya
Pomona College
Title: Mathematical challenges in triggered drug delivery: getting the right dose to the right place at the right time.
Colloquium Flyer 


September 30th, 2022

Dr. Steve Butler
Iowa State University                                                                                                    Title: Spectral Faux Trees and Coalescing Sets                                                            Colloquium Flyer 


October 7th, 2022

Dr. Mohamed Omar
Harvey Mudd College                                                                                                    Title: How Many Cards Can Avoid a SET?                                                                    Colloquium Flyer


October 14th, 2022

Dr. Martin Bridgeman
Boston College                                                                                                              Title: Schwarzian derivatives, projective structures, and the Weil-Petersson gradient flow for renormalized volume                                                                                        Colloquium Flyer 


October 21st, 2022

Dr. Ian Biringer
Boston College                                                                                                              Title: The space of all closed subgroups of a Lie group, especially PSL(2,R)              Colloquium Flyer 


October 28th, 2022

Dr. Yijing Liu
Georgia Tech University                                                                                                Title: Neural Networks with Local Converging Inputs (NNLCI) for Solving Conservation Laws and Other Differential Equations with Greatly Reduced Complexity
Colloquium Flyer   


November 4th, 2022

Dr. Mark Colarusso
University of South Alabama                                                                                          Title: Gelfand-Zeitlin Integrable Systems: Where linear algebra, geometry, and representation theory meet                                                                                           Colloquium Flyer 


November 11th, 2022

Dr. Laura Colmenarejo
North Carolina State University                                                                                      Title: An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras Colloquium Flyer 


November 18th, 2022

Dr. Michael Young
Carnegie Mellon University                                                                                            Title: Rainbow Problems in Groups                                                                              Colloquium Flyer


December 2nd, 2022

Dr. Viveka Erlandsson
University of Bristol
Title: Counting curves à la Mirzakhani