Colloquium: Dr. Alex Heaton

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

An SOS Counterexample to an Inequality of Symmetric Functions Alex Heaton Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Science Postdoctoral Researcher “It is known that differences of symmetric functions corresponding to various bases are nonnegative on the nonnegative orthant exactly when... Read More

Graduate Colloquium Series: Mr. Preston Walker

EMS Building, Room E423 E423; 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

The Screensaver Problem Mr. Preston Walker University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD Graduate Student – Teaching Assistant “Consider a screensaver where a logo is bouncing off the sides of the screen. We will talk about a problem related to this and discuss... Read More


Graduate Colloquium Series: Mr. Zhen Chao

EMS Building, Room E423 E423; 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

A Brief Introduction of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Model for Biological Ion Channels Mr. Zhen Chao University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD Graduate Student – Fellow “Ion channels are a class of proteins with holes down their middle that provide pathways for the movement... Read More


Colloquium: Prof. Jiongmin Yong

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Time-Inconsistent Optimal Control Problems Prof. Jiongmin Yong University of Central Florida Professor of Mathematics “Do you regret your decisions made in the past? If your answer is “yes”, you are a normal person. If your answer is “no”, you are... Read More


Graduate Colloquium Series: Mr. Mark Carthon III

EMS Building, E408 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Fibonacci, Tribonaci, ... , Gibonacci Mr. Mark Carthon III University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MS Graduate Student – Teaching Assistant “Everyone knows what the Fibonacci sequence is, but have you heard of the Tribonacci sequence? It turns out that the concept of... Read More


Colloquium: Mr. Hongwei Mei

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Comparison Principle for a Hamilton-Jacobi Equation Derived from 2-D Navier-Stokes Equation Mr. Hongwei Mei University of Kansas Visiting Assistant Professor “In this talk, I will talk about a comparison principle for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation on the space of probability measures.... Read More


Graduate Colloquium Series: Mr. Khwanchai Kunwai

EMS Building, E408 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Foster-Lyapunov Type Criterion for Non-Explosive Markov Processes Mr. Khwanchai Kunwai University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD Graduate Student  “Given a continuous-time Markov process, we will define the infinitesimal generator of the process. This generator determines the behavior of the process itself. To... Read More


Graduate Colloquium Series: Mr. Ashani Dasgupta

EMS Building, Room E423 E423; 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Drawing Category Theory (For Those Who Know Nothing About It) Mr. Ashani Dasgupta University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD Graduate Student - Teaching Assistant “We will draw easy pictures to understand fancy words such as “direct limit”, “inverse limit”, “Hom functor”. We... Read More


Topology Seminar: Dr. Yu-Chan Chang

EMS Building, E408 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Bestvina-Brady Groups with Polynomial Dehn Functions Dr. Yu-Chan Chang University of Wisconsin-Madison Visiting Assistant Professor “Bestvina–Brady groups are subgroups of right-angled Artin groups, and they satisfy quartic Dehn functions. There are examples of Bestvina–Brady groups whose Dehn functions are linear,... Read More


Colloquium: Dr. Gretchen Mullendore

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Radar Observations and Simulations of the Level of Maximum Detrainment Dr. Gretchen Mullendore University of North Dakota Professor of Atmospheric Sciences “Parcel theory is the basis for many of convective indices (e.g., CAPE, LNB) that are used extensively throughout the... Read More
