Sharing the message & newsletter sent on 11/7/2023 from Accessibility Resource Center Director Shannon Aylesworth
Welcome to the inaugural newsletter of the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC)! In this first edition, we provide timely reminders for the end of fall semester and an overview of our services with links to more information for those of you who want to know more.
I am the Accessibility Resource Center Director, Shannon Aylesworth. ARC provides comprehensive services and accommodations for students with disabilities as well as outreach and support to faculty and staff. We are committed to creating an inclusive and accessible university experience for all students.Preparing for Final Exams
If you have students with alternative testing accommodations enrolled in your course(s) and you want ARC to administer your test(s), a testing agreement must be completed before the student can schedule their test. The testing agreement is between faculty or instructional staff and the ARC. The agreement informs how you want us to administer the test for your student(s). The testing agreement can be accessed online through PROFconnect. If you are unsure about the testing agreement, please view the video tutorial and/or use the Reference Guide.
November 30 is the deadline for students to schedule final exams or exams during the final exam dates to be taken in ARC. Please help us accommodate your student by ensuring the testing agreement is completed well before the deadline. Students have been advised that ARC cannot accept requests to schedule a test after November 30.
To support the minimally distracting environment, ARC uses a block scheduling format for final exams. Course exams scheduled in the morning will start at 8 A.M., and course exams that are scheduled in the afternoon will start at 1 P.M. No exams are administered on Study Day.
Save the Date!
ARC is hosting an Open House on Thursday, January 18, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. in Mitchell Hall, room 115. Please stop by for free food and drink and a look at the services ARC provides.
Accommodations and Services
Below is a list of accommodation services we provide, with links to more information about each accommodation. An overview of this information is on the Accommodations & Services page.
- Academic Flexibility
- Alternate Formats
- Assistance or Emotional Support Animals
- Assistive Technology
- Communication Access
- Memory Aids
- Notetaking Services
- Service Animals
- Testing
Note that before students can opt to use an approved accommodation, they are required to view electronic forms (e-forms) that outline their responsibilities with each accommodation and agree to follow the procedures. Students electing to use approved academic flexibility accommodations are expected to review and discuss the guidelines with their instructors at the start of the semester or as soon as possible upon approval of the accommodation. Links to e-forms and guidelines for academic flexibility accommodations are included below for your reference. A full list of ARC E-Forms is available on the Policies & Procedures page.
- Academic Flexibility / Attendance E-Form
- Academic Flexibility / Attendance Consideration Guidelines
- Academic Flexibility / Assignment Due Date E-Form
- Academic Flexibility / Assignment Due Date Consideration Guidelines
For Faculty and Staff
Information specifically aimed at faculty and instructional staff is located on our website: For Faculty & Staff, and summarized below.
- Accessibility Training for Instructors: Developed in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), this training outlines resources needed to support students with disabilities and make courses accessible. The training also includes education about Universal Design, which benefits a diverse population of students.
- PROFconnect, a secure online data management tool, helps you manage accommodations for individual students enrolled in your courses. Once logged into PROFconnect with your UWM credentials, you will find:
- A list of students affiliated with ARC enrolled in your courses, their accommodations, and tools to search/sort by course, student name, or accommodation.
- Links to complete, review, and modify testing agreements as needed.
- Links to submit requests for media captioning, as well as view these submissions.
- A link to upload the course syllabus.
Also on this page is a PROFconnect Overview (video) and a link to the PROFconnect Reference Guide (PDF)
- Glean Notetaking Tool for ARC Students: Students with disabilities, who are registered with ARC, may have notetaking tools as an approved accommodation. One notetaking tool ARC offers students is Glean. A new FAQ about Glean can be found on this page.
- Media Captioning: Upon instructor request, ARC can caption course media, for courses in which students who are approved for that accommodation are enrolled.
Policies and Procedures
Here are some key policies and procedures related to accommodations, with links to more detailed information. Additional policies and procedures can be viewed on the Policies & Procedures page.
- Appeal Procedure for Accommodation Decisions
- Policy for Confidentiality and Disclosure of Disability Information
- Rights and Responsibilities in the Accommodation Process
Accessibility is a shared responsibility. I look forward to continuing to partner with each of you to create an inclusive and accessible University experience. Please visit our website to learn more about ARC and email us at with any questions.
Shannon Aylesworth (she, her, hers)
Director, Accessibility Resource Center
Division of Academic Affairs