In June 2021, the Microcredentials Work Group (MWG) was charged by then-Provost Britz to explore the development of a coordinated, comprehensive system of for-credit microcredentialing at UWM. This has included an assessment of potential benefits, national precedents, and policy implications. The MWG produced a report with recommendations for campus adoption of microcredentials, and a draft of a comprehensive campus policy, which was approved by the Faculty Senate in April 2022. The MWG also surveyed undergraduates and graduate students on interest in microcredentials for themselves and future students. The survey results (below) show a high level of interest overall and topics of interest for microcredential development.
Microcredentials Working Group Report (pdf)
Microcredential Policy (pdf)
Student Survey Results (pdf)
Academic Affairs has created a Microcredentials Toolkit to guide academic units in Microcredential Development.