UWM Space Planning

Effective August 1, 2011

Protocol for Addressing University Space Needs

  1. Space requests from individuals or departments should be directed first to the dean or division head.  If the unit cannot find an appropriate solution to the request within its own space assignments a space request form should be completed.
  2. The Space Request Form can be found as a link on the Space Resources webpage.
  3. The completed form should be emailed to Mark Srite (, Co-Chair Campus Space Planning Committee and copied to Mike Priem ( in the Office of Space Planning and Management.
  4. A Space Planning Committee will meet regularly to consider all space requests. The Space Planning Committee is comprised of a representative from the Office of Space Planning, the chair or designee of the Physical Environment Committee, the chair or designee of the Academic Planning and Budget Committee, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, Planning and Management, the Vice Provost for Research, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The requesting party may be invited to the Space Planning Committee meeting to provide additional information or clarify details of the request.

This process for addressing ongoing space needs creates an advisory committee that will have in- depth knowledge of the entire University’s space needs in order to make well-informed recommendations. Consultation will occur between the Provost, with the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs and the Chancellor when implementation substantially impacts other units and/or long-term planning.