Here you will find resources that are helpful for School/College Department Chairs. Additional materials will be added as the semester goes on, here or on the Department Chairs Teams site. If you are a chair and don’t have access to the Teams site, please contact Cheryl Andres (

Find the list of UWM Department Chairs, Associate Deans, and Deans at the Key Campus Contacts page.

The Policies, Procedures, and Forms page contains links to many policies – academic, personnel, distance-ed related, important dates for the current year, and forms such as the Instructor Qualifications Verification form, or sabbatical forms. Please familiarize yourself with this information.

Department Analytics Dashboard Handout

Please peruse the other links in the “Faculty & Staff Resources” menu, such as the pages on Academic Program Resources, or on Assessment of Student Learning, or information on campus initiatives such as 2030, or resources such as the Ombuds Council or the Online Program Toolkit.