
UWM Atmospheric Science Senior places in WXChallenge

UWM Senior, Kyle Koval, finished fourth overall, and third among juniors and seniors, in this year’sWxChallenge collegiate weather forecasting competition. Given that the WxChallenge had over 2,000 participants this year, this is quite the remarkable achievement! For his efforts, Kyle… Read More

Colloquium: Tom Bogdan

On Friday, March 28, 2014, Tom Bogdan, President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO, gave a talk at UWM entitled, “A Physicist Takes a Long, Hard Look at Climate Change.” “A Physicist Takes a Long, Hard… Read More

Math Circle taps kids’ creativity in problem-solving

Link to article from today@UWM

UWM-Trained Teachers Take Top Honors

Link to article from today@UWM

Innovative Weather – Practical Client Forecasting for UW-Milwaukee Students

Innovative Weather is a unique internship program for UW-Milwaukee students in the atmospheric science program. Students work with clients such as We Energy, Time Warner Cable, Lake Express Ferry and more to provide detailed, customized forecasts to meet their business… Read More