Student News

Jessica Skinner Takes Second Place in Inaugural Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) event

Congratulations are in order for Jessica Skinner who took second place, out-competing 12 other contestants, in the inaugural Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) event on Wednesday, April 4, 2018. This event was sponsored by The Graduate School, Office of Research, and… Read More

UWM Dissertator Susan Hill Examines “Adulting” in New Edition of Anthropology News

  Susan Hill, a Doctoral Dissertator in the Department of Anthropology at the UW-Milwaukee writes in her new article, “#Adulting and the Disordered State of American Adulthood”, about the tough realities of coming of age in America in the new… Read More

PhD Candidate Josh Driscoll receives Dissertation Fellowship Award

PhD candidate Josh Driscoll has received a  Dissertation Fellowship Award from the Graduate School to support his thesis project on the social role of alcoholic beverages in prehistoric Europe. Congratulations, Josh!  

UWM Student, Todd Ebling Presents Research at American Ethnological Society conference in Philadelphia

On March 24th, Todd presented a paper at the American Ethnological Society conference in Philadelphia. The paper was part of a medical anthropology panel and was titled “”Where I End and You Start”: The Ethical Limits of Good Care.” 

Anthropologists contributing to new series at UWM Planetarium, “Indigenous Voices: Sharing the Wisconsin Sky.”

Associate Professor, Bernie Perley, and graduate student, Monea Warrington, participated in the first of a seven-part series featuring American Indian perspectives of the night sky. The series will take place every Friday from March 23 through May 4, at 7… Read More

Ph.D Dissertator Alexis Jordan Receives Award and Sees Research Presented in New Exhibit

UWM Anthropology Ph.D Dissertator Alexis Jordan is making moves. Recently, Alexis received the Prehistoric Society-SUERC Radiocarbon Award (SUERC stands for Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre). This award will cover the costs of dating two individuals from the Iron Age burial… Read More

UWM interns, alums help public museum bring weapons exhibit to life

UWM Anthropology graduate student Lauren Kiesewetter and Anthropology major Armando Manresa, along with other UWM students help the Milwaukee Public Museum bring a new weapons exhibit to life.
“Weapons: Beyond the Blade” runs until Jan 1st at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

Dr. Patricia Richards and UWM-CRM featured on recent Milwaukee PBS program

The program summarizes the recovery of human remains associated with the unmarked, abandoned Second Ward Cemetery, also known as the Gruenhagen Cemetery or German Protestant Cemetery. The work was done as a result of the expansion associated with Guest House of Milwaukee, a non-profit shelter for homeless men.

UWM Anthropology faculty and students collaborate on an international publication

Tracey Heatherington co-edited a forum on “Anthropologists Witnessing and Reshaping the Neoliberal Academy” published in volume 5(1) of ANUAC, the journal of the national association of Italian cultural anthropologists.

MS student Alexandra Frankel accepts position in the American Anthropological Association publications office

Alexandra Frankel, a Spring 2017 cultural anthropology MS graduate, joined the American Anthropological Association in December 2016 as an editorial assistant.