
Dr. Lemke Presents at Freshwater Sciences Colloquium, Oct. 10th

Dr. Ashley Lemke will be presenting her research at the next Freshwater Sciences Colloquium tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday Oct. 10th at 1:00 PM.  The event will take place in GLRF 3080 at the Great Lakes Research Facility, 600 E Greenfield Ave,… Read More

UW System Awarded NAGPRA Documentation and Consultation Grant by National Park Service

The UWM Archaeological Research Laboratory Center led by Dr. Jennifer Haas, has been awarded a NAGPRA Documentation and Consultation Grant by the National Park Service. This grant will help facilitate repatriation efforts and strengthen relationships between the state of Wisconsin… Read More

Submerged Prehistory

By Ann S. Eberwein “Beneath the surface of our oceans, lakes, rivers, and wetlands lies a physical record of humankind preserved in prehistoric and historic shorelines, shipwrecks, inundated cities, harbors, and other traces of our past.” – Advisory Council on… Read More

Congratulations to our Class of 2023!

      Anthropology successfully graduated a substantial amount of students this year and we couldn’t be more proud of them. This year we had six PhD students, seven Master’s students, and almost 20 undergraduates finish their degrees. PhD dissertations… Read More

Students and Faculty Impress Judges at the 2023 UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium

Congratulations are in order for all those who participated in the 15th Annual UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium! The Department of Anthropology had seven students and three faculty members participate this year, one of our largest cohorts yet. The symposium celebrates… Read More

Women’s History Month – A tribute to Fatimah Collier Jackson

Fatimah Collier Jackson was born in Denver, Colorado in 1950. Her maternal great-grandmother was a Choctaw Native American of the Bell Clan and a traditional herbalist and midwife. Growing up, Jackson’s family was poor, but she had a large, close-knit… Read More

Women’s History Month – A tribute to Maria Constanza Ceruti

By Ann Eberwein María Constanza Ceruti is an archaeologist, anthropologist, and mountaineer with an impressive list of accomplishments. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1973 and her parents, who were both doctors, took her to many museums and… Read More

Women’s History Month – A tribute to Mary Brodrick

By Ann Eberwein Mary Brodrick (1858 – 1933) was an archaeologist and Egyptologist of great distinction and was one of the first women to excavate in Egypt. She began her academic career at age thirty after a trip to Egypt… Read More

Upcoming Anthropology Events

The Archaeological Institute of America’s Archaeology Abridged series presents:

Traitors or Native Conquistadors? The Role of Tlaxcala in the Fall of Aztec Mexico

A free lecture by David Carballo on Thursday, March 23 at 1pm CT

Following three centuries of colonial rule, when Mexicans achieved their independence from Spain they embraced prehispanic cultural symbols and labelled Indigenous groups who had allied with Spaniards in the sixteenth century as “traitors”, particularly the traditional Mexica-Aztec foes, the Tlaxcaltecs. Recent scholarship has questioned such categorizations as a simplification of Native agency in a time of European colonial expansion. In this talk, David Carballo will provide an overview of Tlaxcaltec resistance and resilience both during the Aztec period and early New Spain. Register at

The Milwaukee Area Biblical Archaeology Society presents:

Early Christian Travel in Macedonia and Greece

A free lecture by Dr. Glen L. Thompson on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 7:30 PM

At Reichel Lecture Hall, FM15, Wisconsin Lutheran College and live online on Zoom: Dr. Thompson is currently leading a tour in Greece and will present an update on his research on Roman roads that the apostle Paul may have used in Greece during his travels.

The UWM at Waukesha Library and the Organization de Lideres Latino Americanos (OLLA) student organization at the Waukesha campus are pleased to announce an art exhibit:

 Arte de Quilotoa: Ecuadorian Art in Response to the COVID Pandemic

Opening reception on Tuesday, March 28th at noon in the UWM at Waukesha Library. Light refreshments will be served.

The exhibit consists of twelve contemporary paintings by Indigenous artists from the rural community of Quilotoa. These works reflect the impact that COVID has had on indigenous communities in the South American country and were commissioned as part of an ongoing research project by UWM at Waukesha anthropology faculty member, Joe Quick. Dr. Quick’s dissertation (UW Madison, 2018) is on indigenous development and institution-building in the highlands of Ecuador. The paintings will become part of the permanent art collection at the Waukesha campus. On display in the library from March 28 through May 26.

ASU Publication Workshop

April 7th at noon in Sabin 332

Come hear how it is done by those who have done and are continuing to do it!. All of our presenters have first-hand experience with the publication process, as authors, editorial assistants and editors. Speakers include Professor Emily Middleton, Dr. Richard Edwards, and Field Notes editor-in-chief, Ann Eberwein.

Women’s History Month – A tribute to Harriet M. Smith

By Ann Eberwein Born is 1911, Harriet M. Smith was the first female archaeologist in Illinois and led early excavations at Cahokia including the salvage excavation of Murdock Mound (Mound 55). Smith received her Doctorate in Anthropology from the University… Read More