Train the Trainer Unit I: Design and Development of Training Programs

Gain the knowledge and skills to create compelling and effective training programs. Learn how to effectively manage what happens before, during and after training.

Both units 1 and 2 of our Train the Trainer program essentially follow the ADDIE (Assess, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) model, using it as a guideline to explore all training design and delivery areas.

Unit 1 focuses on the foundational topics of assessment, design and program development. However, each unit is designed to be taken in either order or independently.

This course can be applied to the following certificates:
Master Trainer Certificate
Train the Trainer Certificate


Barbara Burgess

Barbara Burgess

Barbara Burgess is a corporate consultant, coach, program developer, trainer and specialist in the areas of transformational leadership, social and emotional intelligence, women’s leadership and employee empowerment. She has over 30 years of experience in a broad range of industries, ... read more

Who Should Attend

  • Training and development managers
  • Managers and supervisors
  • New or experienced trainers
  • HR professionals
  • Consultants
  • Anyone who wants to design a customized program from the ground up

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze corporate culture to align with training outcomes
  • Identify the most effective approach to your training design
  • Understand the fundamentals of adult learning methodologies
  • Discover innovative ways to design training that accelerates the learning process
  • Learn methods for conducting a needs assessment
  • Create your map for program and learning objectives
  • Design experiential learning cycles
  • Pick the design processes that work for you and your project
  • Develop best practices for session planning and programming

Course Outline/Topics


  • Aligning training to organizational goals, culture and vision
  • Conducting the right needs assessment


  • Adult learning and the experiential learning cycle
  • Accelerated learning techniques


  • Creating and using learning objectives
  • Developing for adult learners
  • Considerations for session and program planning


"Barbara is a wealth of knowledge. I have used her tools and strategies to create training content that speaks to the different learners. I have used the documents that she shares in Canvas. Not only is she teaching content, but she’s giving us practical guides that make our jobs easier. Thank you!"  —  Terese Larson, Spring 2024

"I really enjoyed this class and feel like I learned a lot. I look forward to being a better trainer!! Definitely taking Part 2.

Honestly, I did a Google search on Train the Trainer Certificate programs. I looked at a number of them, and this one seemed to hit what I was interested in learning and what I thought could help me be a better trainer."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"The course delivers a lot of great information focused on training. It breaks down the fundamentals of adult learning and furthermore, what works with adult learners and how you can use them in your everyday training modules. Overall, it was a wonderful course, and I learned a lot!

Barbara was a wonderful teacher. She took the time to explain things thoroughly. She also takes the time to address any questions that may arise and is good at breaking down the main point. Can’t wait to see how things go in TTT [Train the Trainer] Unit 2!"  —  Frank Mirr, WE Energies. Spring 2024

"I think the overall content and structure of the course are fantastic, as it allows someone going through the course to work through a potential training at each step and build upon it week by week.

Barbara was an excellent teacher for this course. She knew the material, knew how to teach it, and knew how to utilize breaks and small groups to enhance the learning. Excellent use of time — neither too many group sessions or too many lectures. She also made sure that everyone had a chance to speak, which is often overlooked."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"This course made me think outside of the box I felt I was placed in at my workplace. I came back to work every Monday with new ideas to share with my supervisors and peers. We are all very excited to implement the concepts and take-aways learned in class into our site.

Barbara has been such an amazing facilitator of this online course. She is patient; she keeps track of time; and she is hyperaware of everyone’s needs. She strives to tailor the class to what the class needs and she ensures that the activities/homework can be used as on-the-job tools for the real world. 10/10. Would recommend."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"The classes were full of immediately relevant content — I can (and did) immediately apply concepts we were learning into conversations and course developments in my daily work.

Barbara makes the content clear and engaging. Clearly enjoys teaching this which comes through and makes it easy to participate. Exceedingly knowledgeable.

This course was very effective and exceeded my expectations. I really appreciated that we were able to share our experiences with each other. I really learned a lot from my classmates."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"I really enjoyed this class and feel like I learned a lot. I look forward to being a better trainer!! Definitely taking Part 2."  —  

"What I liked most about this class was the knowledge I have acquired. This knowledge has helped me identify training in the past that was not up to par and helped to educate me on what I can do to better facilitate training in the future."  —  Dylan Root, Amcor Packaging, Inc.

"Excellent. I really appreciate finding a “legit” course on training that includes so much foundational learning of the training methods, adult learning, organization, etc."  —  Kristin Braaksma, FBMM, Inc.

"The UWM Train the Trainer Certificate series is one of the best train-the-trainer events I’ve attended  – covering topics from the initial training request/analysis through design and learning objectives development. Whether you are new to training or have been in the field for a while, there is something to learn with courses that pull people from different levels/backgrounds together and provide them an opportunity to share with and learn from each other. The information is presented in a manner that someone new to training can easily attend and gain valuable insight, and yet takes some deeper dives on topics that will help further develop skills of more experienced trainers."  —  Tamara Berger, February 2023

UWM Train the Trainer Program Overview

Date: Sept 20-Oct 4, 2024

Delivery Method: Combined Online

Live Online

Date: 3 Fri, Sept 20-Oct 4, 2024

Time: 8:30am-Noon CT

Platform: Zoom

Course-Paced Online

Available: Sept 20-Oct 4, 2024

Platform: Canvas

Instructor: Barbara Burgess


$845 by Sept 6, 2024
$895 after Sept 6, 2024

CEUs: 2.1

Enrollment Limit: 30

Program Number: 5040-16131

Note: Classes meet live online Sept 20, 27 and Oct 4 from 8:30am-Noon CT. There are required learning activities to be completed on your own time between live classes.

Registration Deadline: Sept 19, 2024

Register Now

Date: Jan 24-Feb 7, 2025

Delivery Method: Combined Online

Live Online

Date: 3 Fri, Jan 24-Feb 7, 2025

Time: 8:30am-Noon CT

Platform: Zoom

Course-Paced Online

Available: Jan 24-Feb 7, 2025

Platform: Canvas

Instructor: Barbara Burgess


$845 by Jan 10, 2025
$895 after Jan 10, 2025

CEUs: 2.1

Enrollment Limit: 30

Program Number: 5040-16132

Note: Classes meet live online Jan 24, 31 and Feb 7 from 8:30am-Noon CT. There are required learning activities to be completed on your own time between live classes.

Registration Deadline: Jan 23, 2025

Register Now
