The Power of Positive Conflict … Even When Working Remotely

Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. The most high-performing leaders and teams see conflict as an opportunity to grow rather than something to be avoided. This course provides a deep dive into workplace conflict. Explore the sources of conflict and the toxins that can show up if left unresolved. Discover how to respond effectively instead of reacting instinctively to create stronger relationships. Leave with specific strategies that can be used immediately to harness the power of positive conflict.

This course can be applied to the following certificates:
Business and Interpersonal Communication Certificate
Emerging Leaders Certificate

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Identify personal mindsets of workplace conflict and explore different perspectives

  • Recognize differences between reacting during conflict and responding effectively

  • Explore different strategies for resolving conflict, including designing an alliance and dealing with toxic behaviors

  • Create personal conflict plans to apply positive conflict strategies in leadership roles

Course Outline/Topics

  • Perceptions of conflict

  • Definition of positive conflict

  • Thoughtfully Fit AGILITY

  • The role of conflict in the four stages of team of development

  • Set the stage for positive conflict

  • When conflict becomes toxic: Identify toxic behaviors and determine the antidotes in order to reduce negativity and increase productivity

  • Personal conflict plan: How to apply this moving forward

Dates and locations to be announced.


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