The Essentials of Silicone Elastomers

Get a detailed description of silicone elastomers, emphasizing their chemistry, physical and rheological properties, curing process and associated test methods, both physical and analytical.

This course can be applied to the following certificates:
Elastomer Technology Certificate
Plastics Technology Certificate

Who Should Attend

Both entry-level and experienced chemists, engineers, quality assurance managers and laboratory personnel interested in silicone elastomer characterization benefit greatly from this course.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Understand silicone elastomer technology – applications, features, benefits and all aspects of the manufacturing process
  • Be familiar with dynamic and static properties, curing process and chemical structure
  • Examine various analytical testing methods with specifications, property matrix and experimental design considerations

Course Outline/Topics

Silicone Elastomer Technology

Silicone Product Categories

Silicone Nomenclature

Silicone Features/Benefits

Typical Applications

Manufacturing Process

Silicone Polymer

Silicone Compounds

Silicone Characterization

Chemical Structure

Molecular Weight/Viscosity

Static Properties

Dynamic Properties

Viscoelasticity and Flow

Analytical Test Methods

Cure Process/Measurement

Testing Considerations

Property MatrixTest

Reproducibility Specifications

QC Laboratory Testing

Experimental Design

Dates and locations to be announced.


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