The Art of Mastering Presentations

Regardless of one’s personal charisma or charm, presenting clearly and persuasively is a skill that everyone can learn, refine and master. Good presentation skills are central to success in today’s organizations especially when many of our presentations or delivery of ideas are done in the digital world. Those who are successful are the people who can transmit their views, ideas and enthusiasm to others whether in person or online.

While many presentation skills apply to both in-person and digital presentations, good presenters know that the approach is different. In-person presentations have a more captive audience; digital presentations have a greater opportunity for distractions. A presenter is now competing against diminished attention spans and increased home and work-life distractions, with differing priorities. Learn how to excel at both!

Need to upskill your team? We can bring this training to your organization, when and where it is convenient. For more information, visit Customized Training.

This course can be applied to the following certificates:
Business Analysis Certificate
Business and Interpersonal Communication Certificate

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Prepare an effective presentation customized to the needs of your audience.
  • Recognize the critical planning steps when designing a virtual or in-person presentation.
  • Engage your audience by commanding their undivided attention.
  • Learn how to show up and bring your energy to a virtual environment.
  • Deliver your presentation with confidence and credibility.
  • Develop a follow-up interaction your audience won’t forget to sustain your message.

Course Outline/Topics

Describe the three principles of presentations: credibility, logic and emotion.

Identify the three presentation principles.

Create compelling content

  • Know the topic and purpose of the presentation
  • Begin with the end in mind – what do you want the audience to know, believe or do?
  • Design content to meet audience needs
  • Design content to fit in a virtual environment

Using technology while presenting

  • Learn the platform (Zoom, WebEx, Go to Meeting, etc.)
  • How to warm up and get started with your virtual audience
  • Use a producer
  • Sharpen your online presence
  • Keep your virtual audience engaged


  • Ensure interest by adding a memorable moment, use examples, stories, facts
  • Conquer the jitters of speaking in front of others
  • Tap into the power of your presence

Practice, Practice, Practice


"I really liked that the class size was small enough that everyone received a lot of attention."  —  Joe Young, We Energies

Dates and locations to be announced.
