Post-Traumatic Growth – Building Resiliency

Explore why some people are more resilient and what can be done to build resiliency and avoid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after a trauma.

Resilience is adapting to hardships, adversity, and tough turns in life. All of us are faced with these events in our lives. Some are small, some are very significant. One’s mental health, usefulness, and quality of life are greatly enhanced by becoming skilled at resilience and recovery. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is not the only outcome from trauma, some people experience Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). Discover why!


Patricia Clason, RCC, CPS

Patricia Clason, RCC, CPS

Patricia Clason, RCC, CPS, has more than 40 years of experience with trauma survivors, guiding their emotional healing through emotional intelligence (EQ) intensive programs. A professional speaker, trainer, coach and peer specialist, Patricia has led weekend retreats for military veterans, ... read more

Who Should Attend

  • Staff at shelters or youth care programs
  • Social workers
  • HR professionals
  • Medical administrative and support staff
  • Nurses
  • Occupational therapists
  • Teachers and school staff
  • Emergency responders
  • Therapists.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Explore the differences among Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic Growth, and Resiliency
  • Discover the factors that create resilience, from child to adult
  • Define the process of post-traumatic growth
  • Identify tools for anyone to use to build resilience and experience growth and trauma

Date: Wed, July 24, 2024

Delivery Method: Live Online

Time: 8:30am-4pm CT

Platform: Zoom

Instructor: Patricia Clason RCC, CPS

Fee: $295

CEUs: .7, CEHs: 7

Enrollment Limit: 30

Program Number: 1050-15761

Note: Please review our cancellation and withdrawal policy: FAQS

Registration Deadline: July 17, 2024

Register Now
