New Manager/Supervisor Certificate

Specifically designed for new or prospective managers and frontline supervisors, the New Manager/Supervisor Certificate offers training in four cornerstones of management: performance management, employee development, employee engagement and employee productivity. Through the program, learn to become accountable for both people and processes; develop and coach employees to improve their productivity, performance and engagement; delegate work effectively; and apply problem-solving and critical thinking within your management role.

This certificate offers four days of training and includes takeaway activities to apply in your current work environment. Create action plans to implement on the job and receive templates/forms and other resources to assist with various managerial duties. Work with our expert instructor to strengthen and master your role as a manager/supervisor.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define the role of a manager and identify how to successfully transition from employee to supervisor
  • Develop approaches to manage employee performance and provide feedback and coaching
  • Formulate strategies for effective communication in a variety of situations
  • Identify methods to improve the productivity and engagement of your employees
  • Use the skill of delegation to grow employee capability and autonomy
  • Model and practice efficient problem-solving and critical thinking


View the Outline.


Day 1 – Performance Management

Role of a manager

  • Improving productivity and engagement
  • Leading teams
  • Accountability for managing both process and people
  • Managing process and people
  • Focusing on continuous improvement
  • Balancing the needs of the business with the needs of the employee
  • Modeling behavior
  • Common challenges and barriers faced by managers and supervisors
  • Adapting management style/approach
  • Influencing: with and without authority
  • Effective communication

Performance management

  • Define performance management
  • Setting goals/expectations
  • Monitoring performance
  • Providing feedback
  • Rewarding performance
  • Review and action planning

Day 2 – Coaching and Feedback

  • Review – Week two curriculum and assignment
  • The importance and benefits of coaching and feedback
  • Defining coaching and feedback
  • Feedback method: FAST
  • Coaching model: five-step dialogue
  • Critical communication strategies and skills
  • Practice
  • Review and action planning

Day 3 – Delegation and Development

  • Review – Week one curriculum and assignment
  • The importance and benefits of delegation
  • Relationship between development and delegation
  • Defining “development”
  • Managing development as a continuous process
  • Delegation and time management
  • Delegation process
  • Practice
  • Review and action planning

Day 4 – Problem-Solving and Conflict Management

  • Review – Week three curriculum and assignment
  • Understanding problem-solving
  • Practicing and teaching critical thinking
  • Problem-solving mindset
  • Problem-solving models
  • Interpersonal conflict as problem-solving
  • Conflict management styles
  • Conflict management approaches
  • Practice
  • Review and action planning


Earn your certificate by completing 4 full days of curriculum.

For information on the course format, view the session information on the selected course page.

New Manager/Supervisor Certificate

10/29-11/19/2024 Blended


Still Have Questions? Contact Us.

Stephanie Hobbins, Program Manager

| 414-251-5898

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