hinow@uwm.eduEng & Math Sciences E491Curriculum VitaeApplied Mathematics Research Group, Differential Equations Research Group, Faculty
Peter Hinow
Mathematical Sciences - General
Web: Personal Webpage
Educational Degrees
- PhD, Vanderbilt University, 2007
- Diplom-Mathematiker, Dresden University of Technology, 2000
Research Interests
- Applied Mathematics
- Partial Differential Equations
- Mathematical Biology
Selected Service and Projects
- Co-organizer of a workshop "Partial Differential Equations in Cancer Modeling", Banff International Research Station, February 2015 (with Thomas Hillen and Robert Gatenby)
Selected Publications
Hinow, Peter, Strickler, J. R., and Yen, Jeannette. “Olfaction in a viscous environment: The "color" of sexual smells in Temora longicornis” The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften)().
Hinow, Peter, and Mincheva, Maya. “Linear Stability of Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Systems” Computers and Mathematics with Applications73. (): 226-232.
Langhoff, William, Hinow, Peter, Strickler, J. R., and Yen, Jeannette. “Chemosensation and potential neuronal mechanism of ratio detection in a copepod” Biology, Distribution and Ecology of CopepodsEd. Uttieri, Marco. NOVA Science Publishers. (2017).
Hinow, Peter, and Radunskaya, Ami. “Ergodicity and loss of capacity for a random family of concave maps” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B21. (2016): 2193-2210.
Hinow, Peter, Radunskaya, Ami, Mackay, Sean, Reynolds, John N., Schroeder, Morgan, Tan, Eng Wui, and Tucker, Ian. “Signaled drug delivery and transport across the blood-brain barrier” Journal of Liposome Research26. (2016): 233-245.
Hinow, Peter, Rietman, Edward A., Omar, Sara I., and Tuszynski, Jack A.“Algebraic and topological indices of molecular pathway networks in human cancers” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering12. (2015): 1289-1302.
Hinow, Peter, Nihongi, Ai, and Strickler, J. Rudi. “Statistical mechanics of zooplankton” PLoS One10. (2015): e0135258.
Hinow, Peter, and Radunskaya, Ami. “Mathematical Models of Drug Delivery” Mathematical Models of Tumor-Immune System DynamicsEd. Kim, Peter S., Eladdadi, Amina, and Mallet, Dann. Springer Verlag. (2014): 109–123 .