
2016 Emmy Nomination for Richard Horowitz

Richard Horowitz, a UWM English Lecturer, has been nominated for a 2016 Chicago-Midwest Emmy by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The nomination is in recognition of Horowitz’s weekly commentaries for “InterCHANGE,” MPTV’s recently departed public-affairs show, in the “Outstanding Crafts Achievement for On-Camera Talent: Program Correspondent/Narrator/Performer” category.

This is Horowitz’s eighth Emmy nomination; he already owns two, which are currently keeping company on a bedroom shelf with a pair of softball trophies.

Congratulations, Richard, and best of luck on the night of the awards ceremony!

English Department Members to be Recognized at Fall Awards Ceremony

The English Department is delighted to share the good news that several of its members will be recognized at this year’s UWM FallAwards Ceremony, Wednesday, October 5 at 2pm in the Union’s Wisconsin Room.

Congratulations to all, and thanks to the members of the department who nominated many of these colleagues for recognition.

Sukanya Banerjee, Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award

Dylan Barth (Learning Technology Center and English Ph.D.), UWM Academic Staff Outstanding Performance and Service Award

Meg Noodin Office of Research / UWM Foundation Research Award

Casey O’Brien (Women’s and Gender Studies and English Ph.D.), UWM Academic Staff Outstanding Teaching Award

Deb Siebert Joanne Lazirko Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology

Top News from UWM: Researchers seek solutions to the world’s most difficult problems

By Greg Walz-Chojnacki  |  SEPTEMBER 1, 2016  |  HEALTH  |  PUBLIC HEALTH When Scott Graham talks about a “wicked problem,” he isn’t expressing exasperation. It’s merely a recognition that the solution requires collaboration between professionals who don’t ordinarily work together… Read More

UW-Milwaukee Receives Grant To Help PhD Students Prepare For Careers Outside Academia

MILWAUKEE — A career in academia has long been the expected track after completing a doctoral degree in the humanities, but the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is challenging that wisdom with help from a $25,000 grant from the National Endowment for… Read More

Writing Center adds Daniel Harrigan as Assistant Coordinator

The Writing Center and English Department are pleased to welcome Daniel Harrigan, who will be joining us as the Assistant Coordinator of the Writing Center beginning this Fall.  Welcome, Daniel!

UWM Receives R-1 Ranking

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has earned the highest rating for a research institution from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the gold standard for assessment. The “highest research activity” rating was given to only 115 of the 4,665… Read More

Congratulations to Our Graduates

Congratulations to English Department students who have graduated this Spring!

Meg Noodin Receives 2016 Office of Research / UWM Foundation Research Award

Congratulations to Meg Noodin who is a recipient of a 2016 Office of Research/UWM Foundation Research Award. These awards are given each year in recognition of the achievements of UWM Assistant and Associate Professors in research and creative activity.  Along with other awardees, Meg will… Read More

Scott Graham Receives Fellows’ Early Career Award from Rhetoric Society of America

Congratulations to Scott Graham for receiving the Fellows’ Early Career Award from the Rhetoric Society of America. The award honors a current member of the Rhetoric Society of America who has established an innovative and robust research record within eight years… Read More

2016 Spring Awards Ceremony

Please join us for the Spring 2016 Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 12,2016 from 3:30-5:00 in Curtin 368. The ceremony recognizes the accomplishments and continued success of our graduate students. It also gives us the opportunity to confer our new undergraduate scholarships and faculty teaching awards. Reception to follow.