
North Central Council of Latin Americanists Annual Conference

The conference, titled “Immigration, Emigration, Exile, and Return,” is September 24-26 at Carroll University’s Graduate Studies Center (2140 Davidson Road, Waukesha, WI). Independent scholars and faculty from over twenty colleges and universities contribute to a variety of interesting panels spanning multiple… Read More

Remembering our Colleague Ihab Hassan

We are very sad to report the passing of Vilas Professor Emeritus Ihab Hassan, who passed on Thursday evening. Ihab was an influential literary theorist credited with coining the contemporary usage of the term “postmodernism.”

Visiting Writer Carmen Giménez Smith at UWM

Visiting Writer Carmen Giménez Smith presents a literary reading and discusses her experiences in publishing in conversation with David Wilk. 

Women’s Work: Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Collecting in Berlin, 1880-1930

Nancy Yeide speaks about the Jewish women in Weimar Berlin who were behind some of the most important pre-World War II art collections.

Juan Felipe Herrera, U.S. Poet Laureate

The Library of Congress appointed writer Juan Felipe Herrera as the 21st Poet Laureate of the U.S.

Louise Zamparutti Gets Published Human Remains and Violence

Louise Zamparutti’s article “Foibe literature: documentation or victimhood narrative?” was published in Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Congrats! Zamparutti’s essay analyzes the literature on the foibe to illustrate a political use of human remains. By comparing contemporary literature… Read More

Lakefly Writers Conference

The Wisconsin Writers Association’s Author Showcase is an opportunity for seasoned and up-and-coming authors to meet people one-on-one and talk about their books and the craft of writing. People are invited to browse the works authors have for sale, listen… Read More

Student Recites Brenda Cárdenas’ Poem and Wins the Poetry Out Loud National Championship

“For me it was a very personal poem…reflective of my heritage. And the idea of rebirth spoke to me. It made me think of how hard my parents have worked and how hard I’ve worked to get here.”

Margaret Noodin’s Interview about Weweni

Through poetry, Margaret Noodin keeps her Native American language alive.

ccr Honored by Student Association

Congratulations to cream city review for being honored as one of 12 organizations that the Student Association selected to represent in the annual State of the Students event, “showcasing the excellence that your organization has demonstrated to UWM this academic… Read More