Naomi Guzman

Being a multifaceted, highly eclectic lifelong learner has lead Naomi Guzman to explore and experience many performance and professional avenues. As a graduate of Alverno College with a bachelor’s degree in voice performance and theatre arts, Naomi has worked behind the scenes, performed on stage and directed plays/musicals for various theatre groups like Milwaukee Players, Jakarta Players, Acacia Theatre and the National Theatre of the Deaf.
After receiving her degree in sign language interpreting through Milwaukee Area Technical College, Naomi has been an American Sign Language interpreter primarily in educational settings in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Jakarta, Indonesia. In addition, she has interpreted in other settings such as theatrical performances, parent education and professional workshops. Naomi has worked as a teacher for the deaf and hard-of-hearing in Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) after receiving her master’s in exceptional education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM).
Currently, Naomi is a primary Montessori teacher as well as a middle school forensics coach for a Montessori school in MPS. She is immensely enjoying her experience teaching American Sign Language to both young people and adults through UWM’s College for Kids and Teens and the School of Continuing of Education programs.