Strategic Practices in Facilities

Develop strategies to successfully carry out major initiatives by influencing the decisions and attitudes of others. Examine the concepts of strategy for facilities and engineering through a theoretical lens as well as real-life experience and examples of effective approaches.

This course can be applied to the Facility Management Certificate.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Align your organization’s mission with resources to maximize effectiveness
  • Identify how innovation can affect strategic positioning
  • Apply effective strategies that integrate people, places, processes and technology

Course Outline/Topics

Part 1 – Strategy and Management

1. Introduction
A. Management process model

2. Terminology
A. Leadership
B. Inspiration
C. Influence
D. Management
E. Planning
F. Organizing
G. Controlling

3. Management (Position power) vs Leadership (Personal Influence)
A. Integrating personal influence with position power
B. Earning personal influence
i. Respect
ii. Listen and Understand
iii. Empathize
iv. Receive trust
v. Collaborate on decisions

4. Theories of individual behavior and leadership
A. Motivation and Behavioral theories
i. Motivation and individual behaviors
ii. Theory X and Y
iii. Maslow’s needs hierarchy
iv. Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory
a. Hygiene factors (extrinsic)
b. Motivation factors (intrinsic)
v. Myers Briggs personality types
B. Leadership theories
i. Behavioral theories
ii. Situational theories
a. Hersey Blanchard Situational leadership
iii. Behavioral leadership theories
a. Blake Mouton Managerial grid
iv. Contingency theories
a. Fielders’ contingency theory

5. Lead, inspire, influence and manage the engineering organization

A. Leadership roles
i. Provide guidance to staff and service providers
ii. Influence decisions and attitudes
iii. Conduct organizational development
a. Empowerment
b. Delegation
B. Styles, methods and tools
i. Leadership styles
a. Situational leadership
b. Transactional leadership
c. Charismatic leadership
ii. Management styles
iii. Leadership/management methods and tools
a. Changing natural styles
b. Listening and interpreting non-verbal information
c. Using positive reinforcement and feedback
d. SMART and stretch goals
e. Intrinsic and rewards
f. Extrinsic rewards
g. Training and developing leadership among staff

6. Clarify and communicate responsibilities and accountabilities
A. Level of accountability
B. Job design and job descriptions
i. Job or position description
ii. Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s)
iii. Job title
C. Work coordination tools and techniques
D. Individual performance evaluations
i. Evaluation methods and tools

7. Develop effective teams
A. Team types
B. Team life-cycles
i. Tuckman’s team life-cycle model
a. Forming. Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
C. Inputs, processes and outputs of teams
i. Team inputs
ii. Team processes
a. Group dynamics
b. Intergroup dynamics
c. Decision making processes
d. Communication networks
iii. Team outputs
a. Belbin team role inventory
b. Task, maintenance and self-interest
iv. Motivating teams
a. Team rewards
1) Intrinsic rewards
2) Extrinsic rewards
v. Evaluating teams

Part 2 – Communication and Interpersonal Skills

1. Effective communication strategies
A. Know your audience
B. Understanding who the audience should be and determining what the purpose of relaying the information is
C. Understanding the urgency of the need to communicate the information or the urgency of the information itself
D. Use the appropriate delivery method
E. Communication of bad news is just as important as communicating good news
F. Give direction
G. Make certain that expectations are clear
H. Actively clarify interpretations and confirm understanding
I. Follow up (or don’t promise to)
J. Have a SENSE OF HUMOR – it is the great diffuser (if you don’t have one, get one!)
K. Listening
L. Listening demonstrates interest
M. Writing

2. Practice good interpersonal skills
A. Lose the defensive attitude
B. Be pleasant
C. Occasionally disclose personal information
D. Admit mistakes and then proactively remedy the mistake
E. Solicit the opinions of others
F. Be flexible

Part 3 – Strategic Planning

1. Intro to strategy
A. What is strategy
B. Strategic planning overview
C. Strategic purpose
D. Business unit planning
E. Tactical planning
F. Execution, measurement
G. Strategy life cycle

2. Alignment of strategy to organizational strategy – Understanding
A. Benefits of aligning strategy
B. Overview
C. Mission and vision
i. Inputs-mission, vision, values and culture
ii. Output- mission statement
iii. Output- vision statement
iv. Other inputs
v. Organizations strategic business plan
a. Business units strategic plans

3. Develop and implement a strategic planning process – Analysis
A. Overview
i. Brainstorming
ii. SWOT 3
a. Environmental scanning
iii. Scenario Planning
B. Outputs
i. Statement of requirements
ii. Gap Analysis
iii. Scenario alternatives
iv. Recommendations and approvals

4. Develop a strategic plan-Planning
A. Overview
B. Processes
i. Formulate strategy
ii. Introduction of the Balanced Scorecard
a. Performance drivers
b. Outcome measures
c. Four perspectives
iii. Validate strategy
iv. Establish change process
v. Get buy-in and approval
C. Outputs
i. The strategic plan

Part 4 Implementing the Strategic Plan

1. Putting the plan in place
A. Change management and re-engineering
i. What is change?
a. Pragmatic aspects of change
b. Emotional aspects of change
ii. What kind of changes might occur
a. Cultural change
b. Organizational changes
c. Change resulting from acquisitions/mergers
d. New technology (e.g. software roll-outs)
e. New corporate policies
iii. What is change management?
a. Understanding what the change means to those impacted
b. The five psychological stages of change
c. The six steps of change management
1) Identify the change
2) Understand its impact
3) Support for the change management process
4) Engage employees
5) Paint a vivid picture
6) Make it stick
B. The change management plan
i. Identify the change
a. Encourage and support a new way of working
ii. Understand its impact
a. What are the questions that must be answered to allay fears?
b. How would we answer them?
iii. Gain support for the change process
a. CEO/CFO buy-in
iv. Engage employees
v. Paint a vivid picture
vi. Make it stick
C. The Communication plan
D. Resolving conflicts
i. Discovering conflicts
ii. Finding root causes of conflicts
a. Constructive and dysfunctional conflicts
b. How to apply situational leadership
c. Levels of conflict
iii. Negotiation techniques
a. Soft and Hard
iv. Deciding when to forward a conflict

Dates and locations to be announced.


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