Strictly Snap-Fits: Developing World-Class Snap-Fit Attachments

Develop a deep understanding of snap-fit attachments and gain the knowledge to develop snap-fit applications optimized for reliability, manufacturing, assembly and customer usage. With real-life observations, sample parts and a copy of the instructor’s book, you gain the tools necessary to master the snap-fit technology fundamentals.

Participants in this course receive an electronic copy of “The First Snap-Fit Handbook,” Third Edition by Paul Bonenberger included with registration.

This course can be applied to the Plastics Technology Certificate.

Who Should Attend

  • Designers and engineers with responsibility for developing plastic parts
  • Leaders of Design-for-Manufacturing workshops where product concepts are developed
  • Beginners/novices wishing to learn basic principles and design practices that will prevent fundamental product design mistakes
  • Experienced individuals looking for new information and tricks-of-the-trade to help them develop better products, faster
  • Managers of product groups at original equipment suppliers interested in product development, establishing performance requirements, supplier/client interactions and gaining competitive advantage

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how a snap-fit attachment functions as a complex system of features
  • Recognize and avoid many common snap-fit mistakes
  • Know the minimum design requirements for a successful snap-fit attachment
  • Have a process for developing sound snap-fit concepts before committing to a final design
  • Be aware of important tricks-of-the-trade, otherwise discovered through trial and error
  • Distinguish locking feature styles and know which is appropriate for a given application
  • Understand basic processing considerations and basic material considerations for snap-fits
  • Understand how enhancement features are used to create robust attachments
  • Have rules-of-thumb and analysis procedures for cantilever beam based lock features
  • Have a process for diagnosing common snap-fit problems
  • Understand the fundamental characteristics of a snap-fit capable organization

Course Outline/Topics

Module 1 – Introduction

Module 2 – Key Requirements: Top-level technical requirements for fundamentally sound snap-fit attachments

Module 3 – Introduction to the Snap-Fit Development Process – Module 10 will describe the process in detail

Module 4 – Descriptive Elements: Generic terms and concepts used to describe a snap-fit application

Module 5 – Physical Elements – Locator Features: Strong, inflexible constraint features in an interface

Module 6 – Physical Elements – Lock Features: Flexible features enabling part assembly and disassembly

Module 7 – Lock Strength and Decoupling: Why some lock features are superior to others for part assembly and retention

Module 8 – Constraint in Snap-Fit Applications: How part-to-part positioning and joining are achieved and maintained

Module 9 – Physical Elements – Enhancements: Other features or attributes of other features that improve the attachment

Module 10 – Applying the Snap-Fit Development Process: Concepts, elements and design rules as applied to product development

Module 11 – Feature Development – Material Properties: Material properties used in feature calculations are explained

Module 12 – Feature Development – Rules of Thumb: General design rules are useful for preliminary lock feature development

Module 13 – Feature Development – Calculations: Classic beam calculations and modifications are discussed, as well as calculations for other lock styles

Module 14 – Diagnosing Snap-Fit Problems: Just as it guides development, the ALC provides the basis for diagnosing common snap-fit application issues

Module 15 – Gaining a Competitive Advantage in Snap-Fit Technology: Going beyond individual snap-fit expertise to create a culture of technical competence

Closing – Questions – Resources – Snap-fit information and data

Dates and locations to be announced.
