Graduate Student Semester Profile Form In this form we ask you for information about your support and course plans for a future semester. Which semester will you be providing information about in this form:* Spring Fall Is this a revised request?* No, this is my first time completing this form Yes Name* First Last Email* Degree Progress InformationWho is your faculty advisor?*If you do not have a thesis advisor, the default advisor is your program advisor: Actuarial - Professor Brazauskas; Mathematics - Professor Willenbring Advisor's Email Address* Will you return as a student next semester?* Returning Not Returning Which semester do you plan to graduate?* Are you in the MS or PhD program?* MS PhD Which concentration?*Standard MathematicsIndustrial MathematicsAtmospheric ScienceStatisticsActuarial ScienceDual Master's DegreeFoundations of Advanced StudiesNumber of Semesters Completed in your Current Graduate Program*Indicate with a numerical valueHave you passed your prelims?* Yes No Are you a dissertator?* Yes No Will you be a dissertator by the beginning of next semester?* Yes No When do you plan to pass your prelims?* Month/YearNext semester, I will be a:*Select all that apply Teaching Assistant Research Assistant GAANN Fellow Non-Funded Other If Other, what?* Please indicate which courses you HAVE taught:* Math 092 Math 094 Math 098 Math 102 Math 103 Math 105 Math 108 Math 115 Math 116 Math 117 Math 175 Math 176 Math 205 Math 208 Math 211 Math 213 Math 231 Math 232 Math 233 Math 234 Math 240 MthStat 215 AtmSci 100 AtmSci 109 Other Course Titles & Descriptions»If other, please indicate which course:* Please indicate which courses you PREFER to teach next semster:* Math 092 Math 094 Math 098 Math 102 Math 103 Math 105 Math 108 Math 115 Math 116 Math 117 Math 175 Math 176 Math 205 Math 208 Math 211 Math 213 Math 231 Math 232 Math 233 Math 234 Math 240 MthStat 215 AtmSci 100 AtmSci 109 Other Course Titles & Descriptions»If other, please indicate which course:* Preferred Teaching Times for Next Semester*Please select times that DO NOT CONFLICT with your course scheduleDayTime RangeDo you have a specific course in mind? (Course-Section) When are you not available to teach?*Other than times when you are in classDayTime RangeReason If you are assigned evening (after 4pm) teaching, you prefer:* Monday/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday No Preference Additional CommentsPlease type anything else you'd like us to know regarding your preferences (e.g., courses you'd love to teach, courses you'd dislike teaching or are tired of teaching, if you prefer early morning or evening teaching, concerns regarding coronavirus, etc.).Course Enrollment InformationList all courses you might possibly take next semester. Consult the draft schedule of classes. If you have not consulted your advisor (or the current default advisor for your program) about your course schedule, make an appointment and discuss course schedule with your advisor, then come back and complete this form.Courses you plan to take next semester:*Subject NameCatalog #LEC #DIS #LAB # For Example: Subject Name: MthStat; Catalog #: 362; Lec #: 002Which 799 seminar to you plan to attend (even if you don't enroll)?* Actuarial Seminar Algebra Seminar Analysis Seminar Applied & Computational Math Numerical Analysis Seminar Probability Seminar Statistics Seminar Student Topology Seminar Teaching Math to Undergraduates Topology Seminar Other None If Other, what? Research Assistant InformationWho is your RA advisor?* In which department is your RA appointment held?* Do you know your percentage of appointment for next year?* Yes No What Percentage?*%Please add any additional information you would like us to know