Colloquium: Dr. Mark Colarusso

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Gelfand-Zeitlin Integrable Systems: Where linear algebra, geometry, and representation theory meet Dr. Mark Colarusso  Associate Professor of Mathematics - University of South Alamaba In the 19th century, physicists were interested in determining the conditions under which the equations of motion... Read More


Colloquium: Dr. Laura Colmenarejo

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras Dr. Laura Colmenarejo Professor of Mathematics - NC State University In algebraic combinatorics, the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm is a fundamental correspondence between words and pairs of semistandard tableaux illustrating identities... Read More


Colloquium: Dr. Michael Young

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Rainbow Problems in Groups Dr. Michael Young Associate Professor of Mathematics - Carnegie Mellon University A set is considered rainbow if each element of the set is assigned a distinct color. In this talk, we will discuss problems and techniques... Read More


Colloquium: Tullia Dymarz (UW-Madison)

EMS Building, E495 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Random Nilpotent Groups Professor Tullia Dymarz In group theory, any group can be defined by specifying generators and relations. But for infinite groups, when trying to define a model for a generic/random group, there are many options for how to... Read More

Colloquium: Sebastian Hurtado-Salazar (Yale)

EMS Building, E495 3200 N Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Rigidity of lattices in Lie groups Professor Sebastian Hurtado Lattices in Lie groups are of importance in Geometry (providing examples of tilings and manifolds with many symmetries),Number Theory (via arithmetic groups), among other areas. We will attempt to explain a... Read More