Colloquium: Prof. Michael Geline

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

A finite geometry problem from some conjectures of Brauer Prof. Michael Geline Professor of Mathematics Northern Illinois University We will begin with a problem in "finite geometry" which captures at least some of the spirit of algebraic geometry in positive... Read More


Colloquium: Dr. Eva Goedhart

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

A Tree Approach to Solving Diophantine Equations Dr. Eva Goaedhart Visiting Scholar Franklin & Marshall College Diophantine equations are easy to state equations that often require complicated tools to solve. After introducing Diophantine equations, I will present a visual approach... Read More


Colloquium: Dr. Bogdan Nica

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Elementary Matrix Operations on a Napkin Dr. Bogdan Nica Assistant Professor Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Atmospheric science provides excellent opportunities for encouraging student interest in all fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). A model outreach program (“Chasing... Read More

Colloquium: Mr. Bart Adrian

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Encouraging Student Interest in STEM in Elementary, Middle and High School Classrooms Mr. Bart Adrian Senior Lecturer in Atmospheric Science & Mathematics / STEM Outreach Specialist University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Atmospheric science provides excellent opportunities for encouraging student interest in all... Read More

Colloquium : Dr. Selvi Kara

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Combinatorial Resolutions of Monomial Ideals Dr. Selvi Kara Assistant Professor of Mathematics Bryn Mawr College One of the central problems in commutative algebra concerns understanding the structure of an ideal in a polynomial ring. Abstractly, an ideal’s structure can be... Read More

Colloquium: Dr. Emmanuel Asante-Asamani

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

A Mechanochemical Model of Cell Migration in Confined Environments Dr. Emmanuel Asante-Asamani Assistant Professor of Mathematics Clarkson University Eukaryotic cells can move in confined environments by using pressure driven protrusions of their cell membrane, a motility mechanism known as blebbing.... Read More

Colloquium: Dr. Jean-Pierre Mutunguha

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

The Dynamical view of Free-by-Cyclic Groups Dr. Jean Pierre Mutanguha Instructor Princeton Free-by-cyclic groups can be defined as mapping tori of free group automorphisms. I will discuss various dynamical properties of automorphisms that turn out to be group invariants of... Read More

Colloquium: Dr. Jay Pantone

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Experimental Methods in Combinatorics Dr. Jay Pantone Assistant Professor of Mathematics Marquette University What number comes next in the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ... ? How about 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... ? Or maybe... Read More

Colloquium: Prof. Yoichiro Mori

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Mathematical Modeling of Cell Volume Control and Electrolyte Balance Prof. Yoichiro Mori Professor of Mathematics University of Pennsylvania Electrolyte and cell volume regulation is essential in physiological systems. Biophysical modeling in this area, however, has been relatively sparse. After a... Read More

Colloquium: Prof. Roger Howe

EMS Building, EMS E495 3200 Cramer St, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Mathematics around the Heisenberg Group Prof. Roger Howe Professor Emeritus Yale University In the mid 1920s, Werner Heisenberg formulated the CCR – canonical commutation relations – describing the relationship between the operations of measuring position and of measuring momentum of... Read More