Colloquium: Mark Colarusso

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Strongly Nilpotent Matrices and a Generalization of a Theorem of Konstant Mark Colarusso University of South Alabama Assistant Professor of Mathematics “Consider the set of n x n complex, nilpotent matrices with the property that every submatrix in the top... Read More

Colloquium: Zhonggang Zeng

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Numerical Analysis of Matrix Rank Deficiency Zhonggang Zeng Northeastern Illinois University Professor of Mathematics “Rank deficient matrices are frequently encountered and often dreadful in scientific computing, but rarely elaborated in numerical analysis textbooks. Accurate solutions of problems involving such matrices... Read More

Colloquium: Jason Gaddis

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Auslander's Theorem for Permutation Actions on Noncommutative Algebras Jason Gaddis Miami University Assistant Professor of Mathematics “Let G be a small finite group acting linearly on a polynomial ring A over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. A famous... Read More

Colloquium: Hanspeter Fischer

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

The Fundamental Group of the Menger Sponge and the Towers of Hanoi Hanspeter Fischer Ball State University Professor of Mathematics “The classical fractal known as the "Menger sponge" is what remains of a solid cube after drilling   infinitely many (ever... Read More

Colloquium: Ryan Sobash

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Variations in the Practical Predictability of Severe Weather Events Due to Model Resolution and Storm Environment Ryan Sobash University of Wisconsin-Madison Visiting Assistant Professor "As computing power has increased, numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are routinely being run with finer... Read More

Colloquium: Laurence Siebenmann

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

1-Manifolds Galore! Laurence Siebenmann University of Paris-SUD Professor of Mathematics “I will present a combinatorial classifcation, up to homeomorphism, of all simply connected, separable, non-Hausdorff, 1-dimensional  manifolds (possibly with boundary), each having only finitely many singular points. These often occur... Read More

Colloquium: Jonathon Kahl

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Automatic, Multiple Assessment Options in Undergraduate Math and Science Education Jonathon Kahl University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Professor of Atmospheric Science “Since 2008, automatic, multiple assessment options have been utilized in selected undergraduate meteorology courses at the University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee. Motivated... Read More

Colloquium: Vaughan Jones

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Some Unitary Representations of R. Thompson's Groups F and T Vaughan Jones Vanderbilt University Stevenson Distinguished Professor Fields Medal Recipient “Thompson’s groups are groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the  interval and circle where all the non-smooth points are dyadic... Read More

Colloquium: Ananda Weerasinghe

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Diffusion Approximations and Optimal Control of Queueing Systems in Heavy-Traffic Ananda Weerasinghe Iowa State University Professor of Mathematics “The method of diffusion approximations provides a powerful tool to analyze complex queueing systems under ``heavy traffic conditions.’’ We first introduce such... Read More

Colloquium: Betsy Stovall

EMS Building, Room E495 E495; 3200 N Cramer St., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Some Questions in Harmonic Analysis Involving Curvature Betsy Stovall University of Wisconsin-Madison Assistant Professor of Mathematics “We will describe some open and recently solved questions in Harmonic Analysis where curvature plays a crucial role. In particular, we will discuss how... Read More