The Department of English’s SAMComm program produced an ARST Preconference (Nov. 19) and an NCA (Nov. 20) presentation.
For ARST, Molly M. Kessler, S. Scott Graham, Daniel J. Card, William Keith, and Christopher Anderson presented Packaging Risk: A Rhetorical-Ethnography of Continuing Medical Education, in which they demonstrated the results of a rhetorical-ethnography of an international blood and marrow research conference, investigating the role of risk in encouraging innovation.
For NCA, Scott Graham, Daniel Card, Molly M. Kessler, William M. Keith, Sang-Yeon Kim, and Danielle Hartke presented The Effects of Differential Inclusion on FDA Pharmaceuticals Policy Deliberation, in which they demonstrated preliminary results of ongoing exploration of the FDA’s patient and consumer representative program.