Undergraduate Orientation

On Thursday, September 18, the Department of Art History held its first Undergraduate Orientation hosted by Assistant Professor Elena Gorfinkel.
On Thursday, September 18, the Department of Art History held its first Undergraduate Orientation hosted by Assistant Professor Elena Gorfinkel.
Students from German 415: Topics in German Civilization: 20th Century Themes visited the Department of Art History three times this semester to view works by German artists from the UWM Art Collection.
Students from Art 101: Drawing I, along with Professor Rosalie Beck, visited the UWM Art History Gallery on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. Here they can be seen studying and discussing the etchings of Whistler, Haden, and Pennell.
Visiting Assistant Professor Matt Rarey brought objects from the UWM Art Collection into Mitchell Hall 195 to show his students in ARTHIST 104: African, New World and Oceanic and Art and Architecture.
Teaching Assistants Matt Rogan and Kara Hendrickson are using the UWM Art Collection with weekly visits to the UWM Art History gallery to enhance the ARTHIST 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture experience.
Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany’s Art History 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture class had the opportunity to visit the UWM Art History Gallery, located in Mitchell Hall 158, twice this summer. The first time the class looked at a… Read More
Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany invited guest artist and UWM Peck School of the Arts Graduate Student, Nancy McManus-Subel to her ArtHist 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture class this summer in Mitchell Hall 158. McManus-Subel showed the students some… Read More
Visiting Assistant Professor Matt Rarey is getting ready for the Fall 2014 semester by organizing a mini show in the UWM Art History Teaching Gallery located in Mitchell Hall 170 with the help of Director Linda Brazeau and Curator Christa… Read More