African Art in the UWM Art History Teaching Gallery

On December 3 and December 8, 2014, Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Francis Rarey went from professor to student in ARTHIST 371: African Art.
On December 3 and December 8, 2014, Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Francis Rarey went from professor to student in ARTHIST 371: African Art.
Last week students from Kara Hendrickson’s and Matt Rogan’s discussion sections visited the UWM Art History Gallery for the last time this semester.
This week teaching assistants Anna Kupiecki and Kelsey McCarey Soya brought Derek Counts’ ARTHIST 101: Ancient to Medieval Art and Architecture students to the UWM Art History Gallery to view icons and reliquaries from the Charles Bolles Rogers Collection.
he week of November 17th, discussion sections for Professor Derek Count’s ARTHIST 101: Ancient to Medieval Art and Architecture course were given the unique opportunity to closely examine facsimiles of medieval manuscripts.
Using ancient techniques as much as possible, students in Associate Lecturer Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt constructed paintbrushes, ground natural pigments, drew a square grid, and recreated ancient Egyptian tomb paintings on papyrus.
Students in Visiting Assistant Professor Hilary Snow’s ARTHIST 341: Seventeenth Century Art in Holland and Flanders visited the Peck School for the Arts to learn how Rembrandt made prints.
ARTHIST 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture visited the UWM Art History Gallery again this week to view objects from the UWM Art Collection.
Students in Visiting Assistant Professor Hilary Snow’s ARTHIST 341: 17th Century Art in Holland and Flanders had the opportunity to compare three versions of a Rembrandt print firsthand.
On Tuesday, October 21, Richard Hedderman, an educator at the Milwaukee Public Museum, visited Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt with “Mummy Secrets Unwrapped.”
Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Rarey brought a twentieth century Yoruba beaded tunic from Nigeria into his ARTHIST 371:African Art class.