Past Events

Illuminated page from a manuscript.
Thursday, October 24 2024 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM

Living on the Edge: Armenian Art and the Margins of Art History

The 2024 Friends of Art History Lecture marks the 60th anniversary of the Department of Art History at UWM. Our speaker is Professor Christina Maranci of Harvard University (Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Department of History of Art and Architecture), where...

Thursday, April 11 2024 - Thursday, May 9 2024

What the Folk? American Objects from the UWM Art Collection

Accompanying a course on American Folk Art taught by the UWM Art History Department, What the Folk? explores the terminology and history that have shaped understandings of folk art, self-taught art, Americana, outsider art, and visionary art. It asks which artists and...

Wednesday, April 10 2024 4pm

Robo-Buddhism: Kokoro, Technology, and Spirituality in Japan Today

Public lecture by Dr. Jennifer Robertston, Professor emerita, Departments of Anthropology and Art History, Michigan State University Kokoro (心) is widely and innovatively used in everyday parlance and figures in many Japanese idioms. Kokoro connotes intellectual, emotional, and spiritual states...

Wednesday, February 21 2024 6:30pm - 7;45PM

“Unveiling Black Milwaukee: Perspectives on Music, Art, and Sports” panel

Please join the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies for “Unveiling Black Milwaukee: Perspectives on Music, Art, and Sports” on February 21st, 6:30-7:45pm in the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center. Panelists include Dr. Kidiocus King Carroll, Assistant Professor in AADS; Jamila...

Wednesday, November 15 2023 11:30am - 12:30pm

Friends of Art History Meet and Greet

You are invited on Wednesday, November 15 from 11:30am to 12:30pm for an Art History meet and greet in Mitchell Hall 159! Dear Friends of Art History and Auditors, Join fellow art lovers and Art History faculty and staff members to learn more about the UWM...

Tuesday, November 14 2023 3:30 pm

Gorfinkel Lecture: Sleeping in the Movie Theater

Sleeping in the Movie Theater (After Wanda Goronski) Navigating recent interest in nocturnal imaginaries and the valence of sleep for understanding cinematic spectatorship, this talk takes up the sleeping spectator as it figures in Barbara Loden’s landmark independent film Wanda (1970) to...

Thursday, October 19 2023 4:30 pm

Lecture by Sinclair Bell, Professor of Art History, University of Northern Illinois

The visual and material culture of the Roman Empire provides an abundant record of encounters with or simply imaginings of foreign peoples. These images render visible complex formulations of ethnicity, social hierarchies, and power. This lecture surveys the ways in...

Tuesday, April 18 2023 6:00pm

Public Talk on Craft and Globalism

Folk-arts for peace: HemisFair '68 and the Cultural Olympics in México’s 1968 Olympiad during the Global Cold War Guest: Dr. Deborah Dorotinsky Alperstein Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas of the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) This lecture will center on folk...

Thursday, April 13 2023 5 pm

Negotiating Authenticity: Reproducing the Past for the Present

Please join us Thursday, April 13th at 5PM for the graduate thesis exhibition opening of Negotiating Authenticity: Reproducing the Past for the Present curated by David Symanzik-Stock. The exhibit will be open until May 11th, 2023 and, as always, the...

Open Parameters Poster
Thursday, April 13 2023 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Open Parameters—late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s Chinese calligraphy and painting from the Zhou Cezong’s donation

Please join us Thursday, April 13th at 5PM for the graduate thesis exhibition opening of Open Parameters---late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s Chinese calligraphy and painting from the Zhou Cezong’s donation curated by Jingwei Zeng. This exhibition explores the diversity...