Art History Featured in L&S In Focus
The Department of Art History was featured in the April 2015 edition of the College of Letters & Science In-Focus monthly newsletter.
The Department of Art History was featured in the April 2015 edition of the College of Letters & Science In-Focus monthly newsletter.
Graduate students Kara Hendrickson and Leigh Wilcox attended Professor Yevgeniya Kaganovich’s grow workshop at UWM Institute of Visual Arts (INOVA) on Friday 24, 2015.
Senior Lecturer Michael Ashenbrenner’s ARTHIST 101: Ancient and Medieval Art and Architecture discussion sections visited the UWM Special Collections this week to view facsimiles of famous 7th-9th century illuminated manuscripts with teaching assistants Leigh Wilcox and Kara Hendrickson.
Global Matters: Rauschenberg Print Media 1968-1975 opened in the UWM Art History Gallery on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
This week Assistant Professor Kay Wells’ ARTHIST 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture discussion sections visited the UWM Art History Gallery to view works from the UWM Art Collection.
Graduate students Anna Kupiecki and Jackie Murphy attended the Wisconsin Curators Conversation on Friday, April 17th at Edgewood College in Madison as part of their internships at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, West Bend.
On Friday April 17th, Assistant Professor Elena Gorfinkel gave a keynote address, “Walking Still” at the University of Chicago Cinema and Media Studies Graduate Student Conference, “Performing Bodies: Gesture Affect and Embodiment On Screen.”
On Tuesday, April, 17, 2015, the UWM Art History Gallery hosted Art Exposé. Art Exposé is a monthly gallery talk that exhibits a selected object from the UWM Art Collection on the second Tuesday of every month from 1-2 PM.
Visiting Assistant Professor Hilary Snow’s ARTHIST 383: Japanese Art and Architecture class had to the opportunity to visit the Milwaukee Public Museum, hear a lecture by Professor Snow, and see Ainu objects in the museum’s collection.
Associate Professor Richard Leson’s ARTHIST 704 Introduction to Art Museum Studies II colloquium installed their upcoming exhibition, Global Matters: Rauschenberg Print Media 1968-1975, in the UWM Art History Gallery on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.