“American Beauty” opens at the Charles Allis

American Beauty: Nineteenth Century Landscapes opened at the Charles Allis Art Museum on Friday, February 13, 2015.
American Beauty: Nineteenth Century Landscapes opened at the Charles Allis Art Museum on Friday, February 13, 2015.
Matthew Francis Rarey’s essay ”Camera Lucida Mexicana: Travel, Visual Technologies, and Contested Objectivities” discusses three nascent visual technologies—the camera lucida, the panorama, and the daguerreotype—as often stubborn and defiant agents in quests for both scientific rationality and picturesque image-making in the first four decades of the nineteenth century.
Reflections on a Collection: The UWM Icons Revisited Fifty Years Later opened in the UWM Art History Gallery on Thursday, February 5, 2015.
Professor Derek Counts’ article “Myth into art: foreign impulses and local responses in archaic Cypriot sanctuaries” examines a series of sculptural representations of the triple-bodied monster “Geryon” (of Greek mythological fame) in Cypriot sanctuaries of the Archaic and Classical periods (ca. 750-325 BCE).
This week Assistant Professor Kay Wells’ ARTHIST 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture discussion sections visited the UWM Art History Gallery to view works from the UWM Art Collection.
Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Francis Rarey, recently named affiliate faculty in the UWM Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), has received a 2014 CLACS Faculty Research Travel Award.
The Haggerty has always worked closely with UWM’s Peck School of the Arts and Art History departments.
Assistant Professor Elena Gorfinkel’s dossier, co-edited with John David Rhodes(University of Cambridge), of four essays on the experimental filmmaker Peggy Ahwesh has been published in the film and media studies journal Screen (55.4 Winter 2014).
On December 3 and December 8, 2014, Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Francis Rarey went from professor to student in ARTHIST 371: African Art.
Associate Professor Ying Wang participated in a pilgrimage, or khora, at the snow-mountain Kangrenboqe (also known as Mt. Gangdis, Tise and Kailas) in Tibet during the summer of 2014.