About UWM Online
UWM Online offers 10 undergraduate, 12 master’s and 2 doctoral programs, a wide array of certificate programs and the ‘First 60’ online General Education pathway.
Every year more than 700 online courses are offered. In a typical semester, 6,000 students will combine online and face-to-face courses and 2,000 students will enroll in online courses exclusively. The University offers a wide array of online Summer courses.
In addition, the University offers three bachelors degrees and one certificate through the innovative UW Flexible Option online, competency-based mode of delivery.
As the educator of more online students than any other university in Wisconsin, UWM has developed significant quality assurance processes and structures for online programs. UWM’s online courses offer the same high-quality curriculum and are taught by the same faculty as on-campus classes. At the programmatic level, the University’s Online Program Council, faculty Certificate in Online and Blended Teaching program, and this website help disseminate effective practices. The University’s Joanne Lazirko Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology also promotes and rewards quality. UWM’s innovative U-Pace online instructional approach has won numerous awards (2012 National University Technology Network’s Distance Education Innovation Award; 2013 Desire2EXCEL Impact Award; 2014 WCET Outstanding Work award). In 2014 UWM received a $1.4M FIPSE grant to establish the national Distance Education and Technological Advancement (DETA) Research Center for the study of effective online pedagogies.
See the UWM Online Program Toolkit Staff Profiles.