Learning Assessment at UWM

The Learning Assessment team at UWM supports faculty and instructional staff in the most essential work of the university: helping students learn.

Learning assessment provides teachers with meaningful information about student learning and experiences in their programs and courses that can help them identify strengths and weaknesses in their curricula, make continuous improvements, and engage with stakeholders across campus and beyond.

Assessment is:

  • The systematic and ongoing examination of student learning and experience in relation to institutional, program, or course goals.
  • Faculty-driven: faculty determine what students should learn, how to gather evidence of that learning, how to interpret findings, and how to respond to them.
  • A crucial source of information for faculty, planners and decision-makers across campus, enabling a process of continuous improvement toward program and institutional goals.

UWM Assessment Information and Resource Pages:

UWM Program Assessment Resources

Assessment of General Education at UWM

Other sources of information about UWM Assessment:   

For more information, or to request a consultation with your department or program on assessment issues, please contact our office at learning-assessment@uwm.edu