Officer Changes & Transitions

Learn about officer transition and how to get prepared!

Self-enroll for our “Passing the Torch” training module by clicking on the image below:

RSO Dates & Deadlines: See when important due dates are throughout the year and be better prepared for what is coming up.

How To Update Your Org Profile: A step-by-step process for updating your organization’s information in Panther Presence.

Officer Transition: Includes information for both incoming and outgoing officers, as well as a checklist to keep track of your transition.

SMART Goals Worksheet: Use the SMART system to write goals for your transition.

Stop, Start, Stay Shift: A simple worksheet for evaluating your organization. Brainstorm any needed changes before setting new goals.

Transition Question Bank: Questions to consider asking when entering the role of student org officer.

Student Organization Summer Steward Officer