
Dive headfirst into Middle Eastern culture by learning Arabic. When you sign up for courses through UWM’s School of Continuing Education, you discover so much about this beautiful ancient language – including history. From vocabulary to sentence structure to grammar, you find all the tools you need to communicate effectively.

Participate in reading, writing and conversational drills with courses that range from beginner to advanced. Not only will you set yourself apart in the workforce, but you’ll also gain knowledge that is invaluable.


To register or to find details on individual courses, select the course title below.

Learn to speak Arabic

Arabic I

6 Tue, Sept 10-Oct 15, 2024 Live Online

Arabic II

6 Tue, Oct 29-Dec 10, 2024 Live Online

Arabic III

6 Tue, July 23-Aug 27, 2024 Live Online


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