Social Media Content Management

Content creation for social media can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Learn how to determine the right voice and tone to improve messaging and engagement. In addition, explore the creation and use of a content calendar to balance the day-to-day production of social media content.

See the prerequisites section for information about the background requirements for this course.

Who Should Attend

Individuals who are responsible for social media in their organization or who are looking for a career change into social media

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Establish the voice, tone and messaging approach for your social media strategy.
  • Manage content production through a curation-and-creation approach.
  • Create a content calendar and publishing strategies.

Course Outline/Topics

Social Media Content

  • Voice and tone
  • Creation vs. curation
  • Branded content
  • Drive engagement

Content Calendars and Tools

  • Content development planning
  • Production planning
  • Scheduling and publishing


Participants have completed at least one of the following:

  • Social Media Strategy course
  • Foundations of Effective Digital Marketing course
  • One year of professional marketing experience
  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing


Course may be taken individually, as an elective for the Digital Marketing Certificate or for completion of the Social Media Manager Certificate.


"I wasn’t sure what to expect from this course both from content and format perspectives. I really enjoyed the readings, recorded lectures, and discussions. I learned a lot and have already presented ideas for modifying our social media activities. I am now invited to our weekly SM discussions and am hoping to help with implementation of a SM content calendar."  —  Trudy Malone ICA, Spring 2024

Dates and locations to be announced.
