Sheldon Wasserman: Pregnancies, Politics and Parks

Join County Supervisor Sheldon Wasserman, who will discuss his fascinating career and life. Wasserman began his medical practice in obstetrics and gynecology in the Milwaukee area, where he has since delivered over 5,000 babies. In addition to his medical practice, Wasserman had a lifelong dream to enter the political arena. In 1994, he was elected as a Wisconsin State Representative and held this position until 2009. During his career in the Assembly, Wasserman was well regarded by his colleagues on healthcare issues. Wasserman was elected to the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in 2016, and was appointed Chair of the Parks and Culture Committee in 2020, where he serves as a steward of our shared green spaces. As if his other jobs weren’t enough, he also serves as Chair of the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board. This go-getter also has a passion for travel which has taken him on numerous adventures around the world. Join us for a fascinating conversation with this doctor, politician and world traveler.

Dates and locations to be announced.
