Statistical Story Telling: A Study of Probability & Statistics

Gr. 9-12

Probability and statistics courses teach skills in understanding whether data is meaningful, including optimization, inference, testing and other methods for analyzing patterns in data and using them to predict, understand and improve results. Learn about how statistics can be used in everyday life to summarize datasets and draw conclusions from them. Study mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, box-and-line plots, standard deviation and how to find untrustworthy observations in a dataset. Then learn about using basic probability rules to study probability distributions and make predictions about them.


Once your child is registered, there are no refunds or transfers. Refunds are made only for classes canceled by CFK&T.

Discount: If registering for six or more classes, please use discount code CFK6PLUS to receive 15% off. This does not include before or after care.

There is a 30-minute, supervised lunch breaks every day. Please make sure students bring a bagged lunch.

Dates and locations to be announced.


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