Non-Surgical Evaluation and Treatment of the Shoulder

Shoulder dysfunction is a very common occurrence and, in terms of musculoskeletal problems, is the third most common reason for patients to seek healthcare. Occupational and physical therapists are often asked to work with patients who have shoulder problems in many clinical settings. These problems are often complex, however, making them difficult to assess and treat. Shoulder dysfunction is often misdiagnosed which adds to the difficulty. An approach informed by clinical experience and available evidence will set the OT or PT up for success in the clinic.

During this course the following will be discussed:

  1. Day One – Assessment: Basic shoulder anatomy review; overview of recommended assessment strategy; procedure for taking medical and occupational history; evaluation of posture, shoulder musculature and bony prominences, pain, sensation, range of motion and strength; common shoulder diagnosis presentation and performance of special tests; screening for other shoulder-related conditions; hands-on practice; and case study discussion.
  2. Day Two – Intervention: Discussion of common shoulder diagnoses and appropriate treatment techniques, including manual therapy (joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and others); soft tissue stretches; nerve gliding; physical agent modalities; posture training; therapeutic exercise using range of motion and strengthening; hands-on practice; and case study discussion.

Who Should Attend

LEVEL: Introductory

AUDIENCE: Occupational and Physical Therapists

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Generate knowledge in at least five areas of shoulder assessment.
  • Identify at least five special tests for the shoulder.
  • Be able to construct a comprehensive strategy for comprehensive assessment of shoulder dysfunction.
  • Gain a basic understanding of selected disorders of the shoulder and their clinical presentation.
  • Identify at least five techniques to treat shoulder dysfunction.
  • Engage in clinical reasoning via case studies on shoulder patients to develop effective treatment planning skills.


Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity (2nd Ed.) by Cooper (2014), Chapter 22

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring yoga mats and pillows if possible. Clothing that exposes the shoulder complex is preferred.

Dates and locations to be announced.
